Inspire Me


So, Hannah at Ink Blots and Coffee Stains didn’t really tag me for this, but she did say anyone who wanted to could do it (thank you for that :)), so I am.

Here are the rules:
1. Copy these totally amazing and spectacular rules onto your post
2. Smile and twirl in a circle and look at your favorite inspiring thing and take deep breaths as you prepare for my amazingness
3. Thank your gorgeous, lovely tagger
4. Tag five other bloggers (or more. or less. or none. just whatever you want.)
5. Have fun and be honest and answer all the questions (and feel free to add some of your own!)

And now for the questions!

#1: What is one of the most inspiring things to you?

Hmm. This is a tough one, actually. Would it be weird to say “dreaming”? Because I get some awesome story ideas from my dreams. Reading is also a good one. But mostly dreaming.

#2: Where do you look for inspiration?

Pinterest. Their prompts and character inspiration pins almost always get me writing.

#3: When and where does inspiration tend to hit you?
Anywhere it’s inconvenient. In bed, in the car, anywhere I can’t write anything down.
#4: What’s the first thing you do when inspiration strikes?

First I marvel at this amazing idea (which is usually not as amazing as it seems), and then I scurry to find something to write it on. Unless I’m somewhere I can’t, in which case I repeat it over and over and over in my head until I get to a point where I can write it down. And usually one idea spawns another and I write all of it down.

#5: What’s the most inspiring book/song/website/etc., you’ve found?

Any soundtrack music is good. Or anything instrumental at all. There are so many books that I’ve found inspiring that I couldn’t possibly pick just one.

#6: What’s one piece of advice you would give to people struggling for inspiration? 
Read. Reading always helps.
And I’ll tag:
I was so close to actually coming up with five people… *sighs* Well, anyone who’s listening to music can also do this, or just whoever wants to do it. And those tagged are not required to do it, as always. :)
Have fun!

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