Weekly Writing Update – September 24-30, 2017

September 24 – Word Count: 481

Well… That’s a lot of words. I wrote a couple of blog posts that day (and apparently didn’t copy them into the program that I use to track my words. Oops), but I did about nothing on drafting my novel.

September 25 – Word Count: 535

Another blogging-centric day. I came up with a list of blog posts to schedule and liked some people as my Facebook page, and that was all. Although I did figure out a couple of trouble spots to fix in my novel, which is always good to do.

September 26 – Word Count: 606

Hey, two palindromes in a row! At least that’s cool. On Tuesday I replaced the images for the majority of my blog posts and pinned them to my Pinterest account. (I apologize for the disarray of my boards. Pinterest decided to experiment with something and then didn’t clean up the mess it left behind. I’m working on hopefully getting it fixed.)

September 27 – Word Count: 448

Wednesday I started working on editing my Pinterest account, adding descriptions to my boards, secreting the ones that I didn’t want public, changing my account name from Autumn Meadowlark to R.M. Archer, and changing my profile picture so that everything matches my Facebook page.

September 28 – Word Count: 445

Wow. I did… absolutely nothing on Thursday. Except emailing Pinterest to get their mess fixed.

September 29 – Word Count: 465

I wrote a scene of The Last Assassin yesterday! Hooray! I doubt anyone would understand a triple rhyme, but someone may. (Sorry, booknerdiness. Don’t mind me.) I also copied a lot of worldbuilding information for The Dark War Trilogy into my binder for easier access and made myself a NaNoWriMo prep checklist. My hand was sore afterwards.

September 30 – Word Count:1,931

Hey! I actually wrote something of substance! Specifically, almost a chapter of The Last Assassin. I’m glad to finally be being productive again, and hopefully that’ll continue. This week has been massively unproductive.


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