Farewell to September

Another month is done, and NaNoWriMo is only a month away. Hooray! But before we get into prep for NaNoWriMo season, let’s backtrack and see what I did in September.
September’s Writing
Over the course of September I’ve written 46,865 all totaled, 20,621 of which was on The Last Assassin, my current WIP. I also wrote almost three short stories, which were 14,559 words altogether. I also created an author Facebook page, which you can find here, and I’ve started cleaning up my Pinterest account to add it to my platform. Guys, platform is hard. Very hard. I also created a Patreon page, found here, and changed the name of my blog. Then of course I’ve written a lot on my blog, and I sent House of Mages to my editor.
September’s Reading
I finished Graceling this month (read my review here), and I’ve also been working through Light of Eidon, The Hobbit, North! Or Be Eaten, and The Fault In Our Stars. There are several other books on my “reading” shelf, but I’m not actually reading them at the moment.
September’s Blogging
All of my blog posts from the past month:
Life of a Teenage Homeschool Writer
Friendship Bracelets & Seashells – Short Story Sunday
Character Interview: Detren Everlind
Jac & Jiles – Short Story Sunday
Character Interview: Pellan Shyle
Rainy Days & Coffee Grounds – Short Story Sunday
Character Interview: Ismena Ivery
Weekly Writing Update – September 17 to 23
While I Was Sleeping – Short Story Sunday
Guest Character Interview: Emma White