Character Interview: Prynn Nemea

Prynn is one of the semi-main characters of The Shadow Raven. She’s Detren‘s cousin, and she does her best to keep him steady as he becomes king.
Interviewer: Good morning, Prynn. How are you?
Prynn: I’m doing well. *smiles* How are you?
Interviewer: I’m doing all right. Shall we begin?
Prynn: *nods*
Interviewer: What is your name?
Prynn: Prynn Cantara Nemea.
Interviewer: How old are you?
Prynn: I’m sixteen.
Interviewer: Do you have any siblings?
Prynn: No. But Detren is something like a brother.
Interviewer: What is your job?
Prynn: I don’t particularly have one. I’m the daughter of a lord and lady and the cousin of a king. There’s no special title for me, and I’m still in school. So I guess the most fitting thing to say would be that I’m a student.
Interviewer: Do you enjoy school?
Prynn: *shrugs* It’s neither enjoyable nor awful. I tend to prefer reading on my own to reading about how mountains are formed.
Interviewer: *laughs* Well, reading is always good. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Prynn: I’m an introvert, but I love people. I love talking to them, getting to know them, taking care of them when they need it, stuff like that.
Interviewer: What is your favorite food?
Prynn: Hmm. I like a lot of things. Freshly baked bread is always good. I also like plums.
Interviewer: And your favorite color?
Prynn: Dark purple.
Interviewer: You mentioned you like to read; what is your favorite book?
Prynn: Moon of Gold. It’s a more fantastical story set in the same world as Detren’s favorite, Soldiers of the East.
Interviewer: I’ve heard that one mentioned a lot around here. What is it about?
Prynn: It’s set in a desert with a lot of competing countries and divisions with opposing views and values. Soldiers of the East focuses on the Eilram and the Pastyna Regiment, the former of which works for a war-focused country and the latter of which works to preserve peace and justice against the Eilram’s rampages. There are others, though, that focus on other aspects of the world. Moon of Gold takes place in the theocratic country that’s at odds with the war-centered country. It’s hard to describe in short terms, but they’re really interesting.
Interviewer: They sound fascinating. They seem popular, too.
Prynn: They are fairly popular. I think it’s because the world is deep and you always feel like there’s always more to know.
Interviewer: Those are always the best worlds. I guess we should probably move on. Do you have any ideas of what job you might want to have after school?
Prynn: I’m considering becoming a healer, possibly specializing in childbirth.
Interviewer: You seem to really care about people, so I think you’d be good in that role.
Prynn: *smiles* Thank you.
Interviewer: What are your hobbies?
Prynn: Reading and piano, mostly. I also paint, on occasion, but those two are my main hobbies.
Interviewer: What traits do you look for in a potential husband?
Prynn: At the moment I don’t, but if I were looking… Someone kind and generous, a believer in Abba, and someone willing to stand up for what he believes in.
Interviewer: All good qualities. Which of these is most important to you, in general: Kindness, intelligence, or bravery?
Prynn: Bravery. All of them are excellent traits, but bravery is probably the most important.
Interviewer: And honesty or selflessness?
Prynn: That one’s a tougher choice. Probably honesty, but selflessness is a very close second.
Interviewer: What is something you can never leave the house without?
Prynn: Some sort of hairpiece. If I’m going out I don’t want my hair constantly in my face.
Interviewer: Thank you for your time. That was the last question. I enjoyed talking with you.
Prynn: You too. *smiles* Thank you for the interview. *heads out of the room*