NaNoWriMo Update Week 3

Before I continue, I need to give you an update… on my updates. I’m going on a two-week vacation starting today, so I won’t have updates again until December 4th. I still have posts scheduled between now and then, but my update posts will have a void because I wrote them all yesterday. Another couple of updates: There won’t be a short story on the third, and I’m starting an advent series for December, so for every day until Christmas I’ll have a poem, flash fiction, or post related to Christmas or winter. These posts will be in addition to your regularly scheduled programming as it was before November.

November 12 – 646

All of my writing this day was working on short stories for Christmas presents. And apparently I didn’t do much on that.

November 13 – 652

I have no idea what I did on the thirteenth except that I only made one of my three goals, which was to start on my best friend’s short story.

November 14 – 2,605

Thaaaat’s better. I wrote several blog posts on the fourteenth, in preparation for my vacation, and all of the above words are from that. I wrote five posts and half a poem that day.

November 15 – 2,411

The halfway point of NaNoWriMo. Or, for me, nearly the end. I finished my sister’s short story (which is now also formatted and ready to go as soon as I measure the cover properly and get it sent in) that day, and sent it to my mom for edits.

November 16 – 1,248

Almost done with my best friend’s short story, Silence. And I also made a list of authors I could ask to be interviewed on my blog next year. We’ll see if I do anything with that or not. (I plan to, but I’m still partially undecided.)

November 17 – 495

All of that word count was putting together my goals for 2018. Yes, you look at me like I’m crazy, but I’m actually enjoying having those done early. It means I can play with the order of things for the next couple of months. And my plan involves the publication of several short stories and two novels, which is exciting.

November 18 – 423 (At the time that this is written)

Yesterday was spent, hopefully, finishing up the blog posts I need to schedule (like this one) and finishing Silence. But since there was stuff I needed to finish before leaving for vacation, I’m not sure if that got done or not. Well obviously now I am, but at the time I’m writing this I have no idea. Don’t time-travel, people.


Total NaNoWriMo word count: 43,202

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