6 of My Favorite Blogs

I follow a lot of writing blogs. A lot. A few of them I end up following and then either forgetting about or just not liking, but there are quite a few that I follow rather religiously. I will snap up just about anything they write, because I’ve grown to trust them and trust the quality of their writing. And these are the blogs I’ll be sharing today. (My original list was thirteen, but then I decided to narrow it down to just those that I follow closest.) They’re in no particular order.

1. Well-Storied

Formerly known as She’s Novel, Well-Storied is a blog I’ve followed for a very long time. Kristen is an awesome blogger, and Well-Storied has a podcast if that’s more your thing.

2. Ink Blots and Coffee Stains

I started this one and then got distracted on one of Hannah’s Pinterest boards. (She has awesome Pinterest boards.) Her blog has been super helpful to me on multiple occasions, the main posts that stand out being her worldbuilding series and her most recent post on discipline.

3. Hannah Heath

I’m sure you hear me promote her blog posts way too much in my resource roundups and whatnot, but Hannah is awesome. She’s sarcastic, she’s a huge superhero fan, and she regularly makes pop culture references in her posts. Overall her blog is just super fun to read.

4. Wanderer’s Pen

A big thing on Victoria’s blog is her “So your character is from…” series. She also writes great “Writing lessons from…” posts, and reviews.

5. Quill Pen Writer

Among other things, Melissa writes great worldbuilding posts. She has a whole series of posts that are “Questions to ask when creating…” like “Questions to ask when creating a fantasy religion” or “Questions to ask when creating fictional ethnicities.” They’re all really helpful and thought-provoking.

6. Go Teen Writers

Go Teen Writers has a wide variety of content from three different YA authors: Jill Williamson, Shannon Dittemore, and Stephanie Morrill. They also do an annual 100-for-100 challenge, in which you write 100 words daily for 100 days. This will be my first year participating.

4 thoughts on “6 of My Favorite Blogs

  1. ‘Originally list’ (at the top)?
    I might do the 100-for-100 challenge at some point.

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