Farewell to July

July’s Writing

I didn’t write nearly as much as I wanted to in July. My original Camp NaNo goal was 50k, but near the end I decided to lower it to 30k because I just wasn’t writing as much as I wanted to and I knew I wouldn’t make it to 50k. I did make it to 30k, though, so I did get a pretty good amount written.

My main focus in July was editing The Heart of the Baenor, and I did finish that, so that’s good. I’ve been enjoying editing a lot with this story, but I’m glad to be done with the third draft and glad to take a break from it for August. I’ve been editing for a really long time, it feels like, and so even though I’m enjoying seeing it get better I’m also getting a little burnt out on it and I think my taking a brief break is going to be good for me and for the story.

July’s Reading

This month I finished Secret of the Desert Stone by Frank Peretti, How I Had Fun Writing 10 Novels in 13 Months by Sarah Addison-Fox, Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton, The Great War by Ed Dunlop, and Azalei’s Strategy by Miranda Marie. Aside from Rebel of the Sands all of them were really good.

I’ve also been working through Do Hard Things by Brett and Alex Harris, Infraction by J.E. Purrazzi, The Sorcerer’s Daughter by Terry Brooks, and most recently King’s Warrior by Jenelle Leanne Schmidt, Dragons’ Bane by Melody Jackson, and The Clocks Have Stopped by J.L. Oakman, all in exchange for reviews which I’m really looking forward to writing.

Other Fun Stuff

Camp was in July, and it was fabulous as always. It took me a lot longer than usual to adjust to being home, which was not so much fun, but I think I’ve finally adapted by now, lol.

We also had my baby sister’s birthday, my Abuela and her husband visited and took me out for a birthday dinner (because my birthday is today), and I got to ride in a camper for the first time, which reignited my dreams of going on a trip around the country with friends, lol.

August’s Plans

The Heart of the Baenor will be with betas for the month of August, so I can kick back and relax on that front. While that’s going on I’ll be turning my attention more toward:

  • raising money for professional editors and a cover designer through my Kickstarter campaign
  • working on my hired editing
  • reading more
  • blogging
  • being more present on social media
  • making at least a little more headway on The Shadow Raven again (I’d like to be up to 80k by the end of the month)
  • and working on my series of fairytale retelling short stories.

It sounds like a lot when it’s listed out like that, but it’s actually not a whole lot as far as time goes (one of the few perks of having no life). The most difficult thing, I think, will be the social media presence. I’m still floundering when it comes to knowing what to post that’ll be helpful and appealing to people. :P Second place will go to promoting my Kickstarter campaign without seeming pushy or demanding, and third place goes to tolerating The Shadow Raven and figuring out what to do with it between where it is now and where I hit my outline again.

So that’s basically my plan for August. I don’t have anything super interesting planned aside from my birthday party, which is going to be super cool because I’m doing a Lord of the Rings movie marathon (extended edition, of course) with a few friends, which is something I’ve been wanting to do for a really long time.

How was your July? Do you have any big plans or any writing goals for August?

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