The Shared WIP Tag – Week 3: Antagonist Questions

This post was supposed to go up on Friday, but my site has been down since last Tuesday so I wasn’t able to post it. But it’s here now, so let’s get into it. :)

Introduce the main antagonist of your book!

Meet Orlan Resdin, captain of the Mandorian guard. He’s not nearly as nice as the actor looks in this picture. He grew up with Coraline and Gabel and the other three kids who trained to become the next Paladin, and his gift is super-strength. He has a hot temper, holds a grudge like nobody’s business, and has a distinct lack of self-control.

What do you (the writer) have in common with the antagonist? What do you not have in common?

We both snap very easily. I get very easily frustrated with my siblings, he gets very easily frustrated with… almost everybody. Fortunately, I don’t usually lash out physically and I couldn’t break someone’s bones punching them.

What does your antagonist do when he/she is mad? Do they have a soft spot?

He lashes out, verbally and/or physically. His only soft spot is for the soldiers under him. He feels a responsibility for them and wants to see them succeed, actually, which you wouldn’t guess from seeing him with anyone else.

Who is your antagonist’s worst enemy? What is their greatest fear?

His worst enemy is *static takes over* “We apologize for the inconvenience, but this is privileged information under the file SPOILERS. Thank you for your understanding.” *static fades*

*cough* Well. I can’t really tell you his greatest fear, either, because… also spoilers.

What is your antagonist’s weapon of choice?

His fists, usually.

How would your antagonist surprise your reader?

With his softness toward his men (except I already told you that), and… spoilers.

What is one thing your villain would never do?

Kill someone on his side. He may get into brawls and lash out, but he always pulls back before he kills someone unless they’re an enemy.

What lie does your antagonist believe about the MC?

That she’s weak and she only inherited the Legacy because Eliot liked her best. Which is actually partially true, but mostly false.

What is your favorite thing about your antagonist?

…His soft side, I guess? And stuff I can’t tell you because of spoilers.

If your antagonist was your MC, what would your book look like?

There’d be a lot more violence. Other than that… spoilers.

Other Participants

Jules @ Saver of Memories (creator of the tag)

Nicole @ Legend of a Writer

Ceci @ Ceci Creates

Lisa @ Inkwell

Gray @ Writing is Life

Julia @ Lit Aflame

Jem @ Jem Jones, Writer

Melissa @ Quill Pen Writer

Brooklyne @ Showers of Blessings

Ariel @ Scribes and Archers

Keturah @ Keturah’s Korner

Sarah @ Pen of a Ready Writer

5 thoughts on “The Shared WIP Tag – Week 3: Antagonist Questions

  1. Super-strength + lack of self-control? Nice – especially when combined with protectiveness for his own, which sounds like it would add so much depth to his character!
    Jem Jones

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