How to Become an Online Influencer – Guest Post by Livy Lynn

That’s a pretty massive word, isn’t it?
The simple fact that each human has the ability to influence one another is such an honor. A gift. A treasure that we’re all called to steward.
We don’t have to look very far to see the laws of influence at work. We see celebrities setting trends on talk shows and on glossy magazine covers. College professors are molding minds, politicians are changing laws, and Hollywood is changing the way our culture thinks about, well, pretty much everything.
But what about us? Bloggers. Writers. YouTubers. Texters. Talkers. Social-media posters. Do we carry as much influence as the big names? Do we get a say in what happens in our world, do we get to shift and design the landscape of this life for others, or are our voices lost in the shuffle?
If you have a voice, you have influence.
And if you have a cell phone, an internet connection, or a laptop, you have the unique opportunity to influence this generation and use your voice for good.
Finding Our Place on the World Stage
We’ve all heard the phrase, “Online Influencers”, right?
I’m sure you’ve seen your favorite YouTuber or popular Instagrammer post an advertisement for a brand or company they’ve partnered with. If you’re a Christian homeschooler and I say, “Blimey Cow”, you might say, “Get a free audiobook with audible! Visit audible.com slash cow!”
“Celebrity” personalities with large realms of influence such as Bethany Mota, Bethany Hamilton, or Jill Duggar Dillard, have all posted #ads on their Instagram account. Brands and companies see these “online influencers” as a great vehicle to get their products and services in front of a specific audience: us!
Those who have large enough followings are able to decide whether or not they wish to partner with brands and use their online platform to earn income..
Just twenty years ago, “online influencer” wasn’t even a word. And now, trail-blazing entrepreneurs are designing their dream lives, earning six-figure salaries off YouTube, blogging, and social media! How strange that we live in a world where social media, Instagram even, can become someone’s full-time job?
How is that even possible? And more importantly, is it possible for us? Writers and bloggers who dream of traveling the world, speaking at conferences, sharing our novels with readers around the globe, and fulfilling our God given dreams. Could it be that we too, have the potential to become online influencers and actually earn income while doing it?
Practically speaking, the reason this dream is possible in today’s day and age, is because there are brands and companies who need to get their products in front of consumers. And they need to find new and innovative ways to do so. For these businesses and corporations, one of those new and exciting paths is, yup, you guessed it, partnering with online influencers!
I believe that if God has placed these dreams within your heart, if you envision yourself writing, blogging, traveling, posting on YouTube, etc, these dreams can totally come to pass!
“But that space is so crowded.” I hear you doubting yourself. “And I’m not as good as so-and-so. Why write another book, film another video, or start another blog, when that person is already doing it, and doing it way better than I ever could?”
But you have something that girl doesn’t have.
You have a unique voice.
God has created you to be YOU and nobody else can do that! Sure, there are millions of bloggers, YouTubers, authors, singers, and creative-souls out there. But that doesn’t make what you have any less special. Everyone is created to touch a unique sphere of people. This world NEEDS what you have. The truth is, I will never be able to accomplish in my life what you are meant to accomplish in yours, and vise versa. God has called us all on unique paths and it’s such a waste of energy to compare ourselves with one another, because we’re all meant to shine!
Your dream of becoming an online influencer isn’t impossible.
In fact, it is TOTALLY attainable.
And I’m going to exactly show you how to do it!
1. Grow Your Skills
The first step in becoming an online influencer, is to grow and nurture your skills.
STOP. I already see your eyes drifting to the next paragraph. Don’t go there! Don’t skip this step. In our rush of excitement, it is so tempting to hurry up and get to the next step. But this is why a lot of bloggers, authors, YouTubers, etc, are not successful in their endeavors: they didn’t take time to grow and nurture their skills.
If you desire to be viewed and paid as a professional in your niche, it’s important to possess the skills needed to excel. Becoming an online influencer doesn’t happen overnight. Neither does becoming a good writer, learning the art of crafting songs, designing pretty websites, etc.
We can all agree that everything worth having in life takes time to acquire, right?
As much as I would love to press the fast-forward button and blaze down the speed-track to my destiny, I know there is so much value in the process of getting there. Every word I write gets me closer to my dreams, even if the words are messy and unpolished. I keep writing, keep growing, keep learning.
If you’re an aspiring author, I would encourage you to read as many books as you can about polishing and strengthening your craft. And then, the most important part: write! Don’t just read the experts’ advice, apply it. Write short stories, novels, guest posts, devotionals, greeting cards: write whatever you can, whenever you can, and enjoy the process of growth!
The same goes for YouTube, or any other social media platform. Watch videos from YouTubers you admire and study their editing techniques. Practice speaking in front of a camera. Start a new Instagram account, put it on private, and take artsy pictures of your dog. Imitate the pros, experiment, and have fun doing it!
2. Create Your Portfolio
Are you ready to start sharing your stories, songs, videos, and thoughts with the world?
The next step is to create an online profile. A place where you can keep track of everything you’ve been learning over the years. The books you’ve published, the events you’ve spoken at, the photos you’ve taken, etc.
Creating a website or blog is absolutely perfect for this! There are several reasons why every online influencer needs a website. This applies if you’re interested in blogging, writing, YouTube, travel, crafting, singing, acting, dancing, modeling, etc. pretty much any creative skill that you’d like to earn income from someday!
-A blog or website is like a virtual building for your “business”. It allows people all across the globe to find you, see what you’re all about, take a peek at your old work, and decide whether or not they might like to work with you in the future.
-Starting a blog or website is an incredible way to make new friends, build your platform, connect with your following, and make priceless connections within your unique niche!
-A blog or website can serve as your portfolio for brands, companies, publishers, casting directors, conference organizers, etc. When you keep an open record of your online content, how often you share, what you’re sharing, and how your followers are responding, that puts you way ahead of the game.
3. Create a Game Plan
The next step is to create a Game Plan. If you’re a blogger who desires to start earning income, it’s important to have a clear path as to how you’re going to get there. What are your ultimate goals? Once you have a clear vision and a strong idea of where you’re headed, you can then design a road map to achieve those goals.
“But how do I do that?” You ask yourself. “I know where I want to go, but I have no idea how to get there!”
Well, if you’re interested, I would be totally willing to help! My sweet friend Bella and I love coaching authors and bloggers: determined dreamers who are ready to take the next step! We offer a service called Cheerleader Sessions and specialize in making a personalized Game Plan for you! Every author and blogger has a different journey and we want to help design a plan that works for you and your life.
We don’t have to look far to see that there is a ton of information floating around on the internet. We’ve all seen those flashy pins that claim they’re going to help us explode our traffic or become famous overnight. But the truth is, nothing happens overnight.
Bella and I know that growing an online platform takes work and patience. But we also know that when you have a clear roadmap with consistent, daily steps, you CAN accomplish your goals and dreams!
Entering for a chance to win is super simple! Just hop on over to my blog and sign up for my free email updates (and I’ll throw in a free e-book, just to say thanks!) and you’re all set! You can do that here: https://livylynnblog.us14.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=52a89184eecb2e965d9ddfa27&id=4e615b60ba
Good luck! Bella and I can’t wait to meet you and help create your Game Plan!
Or, if you’re a blogger who’s looking for a pre-made Game Plan, we have that too!
I’m SO excited to share my 20 Day video series for bloggers! It’s called Fire Starter: Launching a Blog that Blazes! This interactive course teaches bloggers (both old and new) how to create their dream blog or website, monetize their site, AND give them all the tools, encouragement, and support needed to be truly successful on their journey! The Fire Starter course is listed at $150.00 but we have a special code for you to get $100 off! Simply add the coupon code: archer (no spaces, no caps) when checking out, and you’re all set!
You can check that out here: https://www.livylynnblog.com/2018/08/21/fire-starter-launching-a-blog-that-blazes/
I hope this post has been an encouragement to you and that you’ll follow through with grabbing your Game Plan by either entering the Giveaway above, or checking Fire Starter out! (Or, bonus points for both!)
Ariel, thank you so much for having me on your blog today, it’s such an honor.
Love and blessings to you all!
~Livy Lynn
About the Author:
Livy Lynn is a twenty-something author, singer, and songwriter. She enjoys crafting YA fiction that is pure, lovely, inspirational, and of course, entertaining! When she’s not writing, you can usually find her playing guitar, blogging, drinking peppermint tea, connecting with new friends, planning her next trip to Disney, or pinning images of Europe and Golden Retriever Puppies!
Come get connected at www.livylynnblog.com
Thank you so much for inviting me to Guest Post on your site, Ariel! Keep up all the amazing work!
Absolutely! And thank you so much for the post! I love working with you. :)
I hope Fire Starter goes wonderfully!