Due to a hectic schedule, I haven’t managed to post according to schedule for the past three weeks, and since my schedule is just going to get more hectic going into July I’ve decided to take an official summer hiatus. I’ll still be sending out my newsletters every other week, so if you’re on the list you won’t be completely out of the loop. (If you’re not subscribed and would like to be, you can sign up via the form on the right. Just be sure to check off “Reader,” “Writer,” or both so I know which newsletter(s) should go to you.)
I’ll be back at the beginning of August, just in time for my two-year blog anniversary, and I’ll be doing some special stuff for that. I’m thinking primarily of doing a Q&A and answering your assumptions about me. I’ve been curious about the assumptions thing for as long as it’s been a trend, but I haven’t done it yet mostly because it is a trend (and also I wasn’t sure if you’d be annoyed to see yet another assumptions post XD), but I’d really like to hear your assumptions. So if you’d like you can go ahead and comment on this post with questions and assumptions, and I’ll answer them in my blogiversary post, and I’ll probably ask for more near the end of July, in case not everyone gets to it now.
Also, I’m writing for a group blog called Masterful Manuscripts now and I’ll put up about three posts there between now and the end of my hiatus, so you can continue to get writing tips, not only from me but also from a group of other talented authors, over the summer.
Have a great summer!
Aw, I will miss your posts but I hope you enjoy your break!
Thank you! :)