NaNoWriMo Week 1 Check-In

I was fully intending to keep up my normal blog schedule this month, since I knew what I was going to write for the first two weeks and I could brainstorm further topics later, but… I then just didn’t get around to actually writing my first post. And since I’m really getting focused on my writing (which hasn’t happened in a long time, so I’m really happy!), I think that’s likely to be the case for the rest of this month. So I’ll be taking a hiatus for November, except NaNoWriMo updates, and hopefully I’ll be able to arrange a working balance of tasks as the month goes on and I learn to write consistently again, lol.
Anyway, every Thursday I’ll plan to put up a NaNoWriMo update (and tomorrow I have a bonus, because I’ll be doing part two of the Know the Novel Link-Up!), and I’d also love to hear how your NaNo (or whatever project you’re currently working on) is going for you!
This week’s current word count: 11,425
Favorite snippet from this week:
Duyên chuckled and took note of the calligraphers again. Po was nice enough, but not the person she would have chosen to talk with on an evening when she was already stressed. Most of the calligraphers were the same place they’d been, but Chaska was rounding up her boys. Duyên frowned. Her health must have been bothering her again.
Makio walked up to the stairs and set a hand against the post beside Po. “Is this guy bothering you?” Makio asked Duyên.
Duyên shrugged. “We were having a pleasant conversation. But I appreciate you looking out for me.” She smiled up at Makio.
Makio slapped Po’s shoulder and nodded toward the field. “Come on. Let’s shoot some hoops.”
Po glanced at Duyên. “Sorry to cut the conversation short.”
Duyên tried to smile. “Don’t worry about it.”
Po headed onto the field and Duyên mouthed a ‘thank you’ to Makio as he prepared to follow. Makio smiled before turning back to Po. “Race you to the hoop?”
The two ran off to the western hoop and Duyên took a deep breath. Makio always had her back. Duyên smiled as she watched Po and Makio play in the lantern-light. Tora was lucky to have Makio for a brother.
Ryuu walked over from a conversation with some of the younger boys and set one foot on the steps. “Are you doing all right?”
Duyên nodded with a soft smile. “Thanks for asking.”
Ryuu took a seat beside her, hands between his knees. “I saw Makio had to get Po away from you again.” Ryuu smirked.
Duyên chuckled. “It wasn’t like that. Po was actually being nice, he’s just… not the best company when my thoughts are heavy.”
“I hope I’m an improvement?” Ryuu wiggled his eyebrows.
Duyên laughed, head thrown back. Her expression faded to a grin as she turned back to Ryuu. “Yes.” She leaned up and kissed him briefly.
Ryuu grinned. “I’m happy to hear it.”
Duyên leaned on his shoulder and watched the lights dancing over the field a moment before closing her eyes and listening to the childrens’ laughter. She felt Ryuu press a long kiss to her forehead. Duyên released a contented sigh. “Can’t evenings like this just last forever?” she murmured.
“I wish.”
“Can we pretend?”
Ryuu rubbed her shoulder. “Absolutely.”
Duyên’s thoughts drifted and she fell asleep.
Biggest challenge this week: I’ve been struggling with both lack of motivation and the knowledge that my writing isn’t as descriptive as I want it to be. I’ve been able to push through the lack of motivation, for the most part, and I’ve learned over the week that momentum is a better friend than motivation anyway, lol. But, even telling myself I can fix it in editing, it’s frustrating to know my writing isn’t where I want it to be. :P
Biggest success this week: Probably learning that momentum is more helpful than motivation. I’ve gotten in a bad habit of writing only when I feel motivated, and NaNo has helped me break out of that and consistently write 2k per day regardless of how I feel when I start. And setting my goal a little higher than necessary gives me some buffer for the days I really don’t feel like writing. (I only wrote 500 words on Tuesday, but I had buffer room from hitting my goal the previous days, which was really nice.) I’ve found that shooting for 2k gives me a manageable goal to strive for, I can get started and get some momentum, and then it allows me to not feel like I’ve failed on days when I can’t reach it, as long as I’m meeting the goal most of the time.
How is writing going for you so far? Have you learned anything new about your writing process? Have any of your characters surprised you?
NaNo is going smashing well for me!! It’s my first year actually doing it and I’m loving it so far!! I completely agree with your points about motivation or lack thereof haha I’ve been finding that momentum is key for me too. And I always remind myself “even though you don’t feel like writing right now or you feel stuck, once you get into a groove, it’ll be fine” 🙈 It’s just starting that’s the hardest part sometimes :) One of my characters has been surprising me for sure haha but it’s been grand fun getting to know them better and most of the time, really liking what I see!! And YES, the bit about wanting to edit in the moment and forcing yourself to wait….SO.TRUE. Definitely a struggle for me haha Loved hearing your update!! Happy Writing!!! :D
That’s awesome! I’m glad to hear it’s going so well for you! :D
Happy writing!
Just wanted to let you know your amazing writer! Can’t wait to one day read your books! I bet one day you’ll be a huge successful author!
Thank you! ^-^