PFW Sale Announcement!

Sooooo, my favorite group of indie authors ever (if you haven’t heard of the Phoenix Fiction Writers by now you’re either new or you’ve not been paying any attention) holds a sale every year, so you can get a good number of their books and their merch at a significant discount. If you’ve been procrastinating on getting one (or more) of their books, now is the time to stop putting that off. If you’ve read their books and/or think friends or family members would enjoy them, now is a great time to order Christmas gifts. Or, if you just want to expand your collection (does anyone else have a PFW collection? No? Just me?), now is a great time for that, too!

PFW has more detailed prices on their site, which is unfortunately down until the sale starts. But there are some awesome sales going on, so head over there or get on Amazon from November 29th to December 2nd and pick up some of these awesome books!

And I do my best to never blindly promote books (I did that once and I had to eat my words afterward, unfortunately. :/). I truly trust the quality of these books, and I’ve read and reviewed several already. You can see my honest reviews here:

Colors of Fear by Hannah Heath (5 stars)

Antiheroes by The Phoenix Fiction Writers (5 stars)

The Raventree Society: Season 1 by J.E. Purrazzi (3 stars/4.75 stars)

The Hidden Queen by Janelle Garrett (2 stars)

The Traveler by E.B. Dawson (4 stars)

Child of the Kaites by Beth Wangler (4 stars)

Sounds of Deceit by Hannah Heath (5 stars)

Strange Waters by The Phoenix Fiction Writers (5 stars)

The Beast of Talesend by Kyle Robert Shultz (5 stars)

Flames of Courage by Hannah Heath (5 stars)

Lost Empire Short Stories by E.B. Dawson, vols. 1 & 2 (5 stars)

Skies of Dripping Gold by Hannah Heath (4 stars)

Gifted by E.B. Dawson (5 stars)

EDIT – As of December 2020, I can add the following to the list:

The Weaver’s Blessing by Beth Wangler (2 stars)

The Tomb of the Sea Witch by Kyle Robert Shultz (5 stars)

Steward Stories by Beth Wangler (5 stars)

Not Write Now by Kyle Robert Shultz (5 stars)

Of Myth and Monster by The Phoenix Fiction Writers (5 stars)

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