May 2021 Wrap-Up

A bit of an early (and brief) wrap-up this month because I’m leaving tomorrow for my summer camp job! So here’s a quick update and a rundown of what to expect over the next three months.


I’ve been hard at work over the past several weeks writing up posts for this summer and I’m super excited for them to go up! Unfortunately, I won’t be around to see your comments right away, but I’d still love for y’all to share your thoughts and I’ll respond to them as soon as I get back! I have some great posts lined up, including a couple of guest posts, so keep your eyes open for those!

I’ve also done a bit of worldbuilding for Deseran, and I’m planning a Calligraphy Guild-related short story to write in the not-too-distant future, both of which have been fun.


I haven’t read much this month. I did finish the books on nouthetic counseling and sibling relationships that I mentioned in passing last month. I also read Tom Sawyer Abroad, which I enjoyed. But mostly I’ve been focused on prepping for my trip, so I haven’t gotten a lot of reading done.

How was this month for you? Do you have any cool plans for the summer?

See y’all again in August!

2 thoughts on “May 2021 Wrap-Up

    1. Thank you!

      Yessss, writing and reading are great ways to spend one’s time. ;D Do you have any specific books near the top of your TBR?

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