~ Link back to the Creator of the tag ( LITAFLAME.BLOG )
~ Answer the questions!
~ Have FUN!!!!
1. Describe your Birthday day!
It’s still early, but so far Continue reading “Best Birthday Ever Tag – 2020 Edition”
~ Link back to the Creator of the tag ( LITAFLAME.BLOG )
~ Answer the questions!
~ Have FUN!!!!
1. Describe your Birthday day!
It’s still early, but so far Continue reading “Best Birthday Ever Tag – 2020 Edition” →
Let it be said that Julia at Lit Aflame takes the cake for best birthday emails to her newsletter people ever. They’re stuffed full of her lovely humor, and they include… an entire blog tag? (And that’s just the first email.) If you had any doubt that Julia’s newsletter would be awesome, this should quell that fear. (But you should sign up because Julia’s awesome, not just because she’ll make you feel awesome on your birthday. ;) ) Anywho… there’s a blog tag. So I’m going to do said blog tag. Enjoy. :) Continue reading “Best Birthday Ever Tag” →