Tag: Blogiversary

7-Year Blog Anniversary: Lightning Character Q&A

7-Year Blog Anniversary: Lightning Character Q&A

Friday marked Scribes & Archers’ 7-year anniversary! The site existed before that, but August 2nd, 2017, I really started taking it seriously and writing about the things that Scribes & Archers is still about.

To celebrate, I wanted to give a bit of a sneak peek at Lightning and its characters with a character Q&A–moderated by Continue reading “7-Year Blog Anniversary: Lightning Character Q&A”

Three-Year Blog Anniversary

Three-Year Blog Anniversary

Sooooo, there’s another birthday this week. And it’s my blog’s! It’s officially past the terrible twos and into its childhood. (Is that weird? That’s weird…) ANYWAY. To celebrate, I’ll be answering y’all’s questions, sharing some of what I’ve been up to… and making (what I think is) an awesome announcement! So without further ado, let’s go! Continue reading “Three-Year Blog Anniversary”

1 Year Blogiversary

1 Year Blogiversary

Scribes & Archers has been around for a year! Technically longer (four years), but I consider it having really started on August 2nd when I started being really serious about it. Anyway, as such, there’s some fun stuff for this post! I asked y’all what I should do for my blogiversary post, and from the very beginning it was super close between the Get To Know Me Tag (Writers’ Edition) and an overview of my writing/blogging milestones, tied almost the entire time, so I decided to combine the two since the Get To Know Me Tag includes a lot of milestone things already. So this is the Get To Know Me Tag, but with a twist. And since I didn’t want to neglect those folks who’d asked questions, there’ll also be a short Q&A session at the end. Without further ado, the tag. (This is going to be a really, really long post.) Continue reading “1 Year Blogiversary”