Tag: Challenges

The Liebster Award #6 and Sunshine Blogger Award #3

The Liebster Award #6 and Sunshine Blogger Award #3

I’ve once again been tagged for the Liebster Award and the Sunshine Blogger Award. Noah, who nominated me for these, actually did three tags over on his blog (two Liebster Awards and a Sunshine Award), so go check those out. He’s pretty cool, and he has great taste in Captain America gifs. Thank you, Noah, for the nomination. :)


  • Thank the blogger who nominated you.
  • Display your award.
  • Answer the questions you were asked.
  • Nominate 5 bloggers.
  • Ask 6 new questions.
  • Let your nominees know they were nominated.


1. Who are you, and why did you start your blog?

Continue reading “The Liebster Award #6 and Sunshine Blogger Award #3”

5 Benefits of NaNoWriMo

5 Benefits of NaNoWriMo

As fall approaches, chances are that most of us authors are thinking about NaNoWriMo or have at least seen other authors talking about their plans for November. Maybe you’re a veteran author who’s done NaNoWriMo before, maybe you’re a veteran author who’s never been sold on it working for you, or maybe you’re new to the community and you’re wondering what on earth “NaNoWriMo” even means. Wherever you stand, here are five benefits I’ve found of participating in NaNoWriMo.

First of all, a quick explanation of NaNoWriMo for anyone who’s new to the term: NaNoWriMo is short for National Novel Writing Month. It refers to an event that spans the month of November, in which authors are challenged to write 50,000 words in a month. This is the average length of a novel, and the idea is that the month results in a completed first draft of a novel you haven’t started yet. That’s not always the case, since some novels are longer, or some authors (myself included) choose to work on an already-started draft, but that’s the basic idea.

Now, on to the benefits. Continue reading “5 Benefits of NaNoWriMo”

Preptober Prompts Announcement!

Preptober Prompts Announcement!

Last year, I started an event called Preptober Prompts to get people excited and thinking about their NaNoWriMo novels for the month of October (also known, in writer circles, as Preptober). Well, I’m bringing it back this year! I’ve made a few adjustments and worked out kinks from last year, and I’m hoping that this year will be even more fun.

Here’s how the event works. The prompts are centered around a theme (“music,” this year), and each week features a different category of prompts: worldbuilding prompts, character prompts, plot prompts, and flash fiction prompts. In addition, each week is hosted by a different blogger. I’m super happy to announce Continue reading “Preptober Prompts Announcement!”

5 Tips for Keeping a Writing Habit

5 Tips for Keeping a Writing Habit

Last Monday the Go Teen Writers 100-for-100 Challenge began, which is a challenge to write 100 words each day for 100 days. So far it’s been a huge boost for me and it’s gotten me actually putting my butt in the chair and my fingers to the keyboard for the past nine days (with one exception). Not only is it helping me boost the word count of my current project, but it’s also helping me to do something that almost every writing blog will tell you to do: build a writing habit. This is something I’ve always struggled with, but I’ve discovered a couple of tips that have helped me maintain my habit over the past week. Continue reading “5 Tips for Keeping a Writing Habit”