Tag: Check-In

NaNoWriMo Week 2 Check-In

NaNoWriMo Week 2 Check-In

Current total word count: 23,248 (hoping to get up to 23,500 this evening)

Favorite snippet from this week:

Duyên stepped onto the porch as a peal of thunder rolled in the distance. She looked up at the dark clouds gathering over the jungle and frowned. The sunset was coming faster than usual.

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NaNoWriMo Week 1 Check-In

NaNoWriMo Week 1 Check-In

I was fully intending to keep up my normal blog schedule this month, since I knew what I was going to write for the first two weeks and I could brainstorm further topics later, but… I then just didn’t get around to actually writing my first post. And since I’m really getting focused on my writing (which hasn’t happened in a long time, so I’m really happy!), I think that’s likely to be the case for the rest of this month. So I’ll be taking a hiatus for November, except NaNoWriMo updates, and hopefully I’ll be able to arrange a working balance of tasks as the month goes on and I learn to write consistently again, lol.

Anyway, every Thursday I’ll plan to put up a NaNoWriMo update (and tomorrow I have a bonus, because Continue reading “NaNoWriMo Week 1 Check-In”