Tag: Discovering Your World

Discovering Your World: History and How it Affects the Present

Discovering Your World: History and How it Affects the Present

History is a foundation for the present. Without history, we wouldn’t be close to where we are today, and the same is true of your fictional world; all of the events in your world’s history have led up to where it is now, which is why it’s important to know that history and know how everything came to be the way it is. Let’s dive into a few things to think about when considering fantasy history. Continue reading “Discovering Your World: History and How it Affects the Present”

Six Ways Your Fantasy World Isn’t as Idyllic as You Think – Guest Post by Kate Flournoy

Six Ways Your Fantasy World Isn’t as Idyllic as You Think – Guest Post by Kate Flournoy

What I’ve been calling “hitting hard topics in worldbuilding” is a topic I knew I wanted to tackle from the time I was planning this series. I also knew I didn’t have the experience to write about it. So, I poked around in one of my writing groups for a guest poster and was super blessed to have Kate Flournoy volunteer. Kate is awesome both as an author and as a person in general, and I would highly recommend checking out her blog. Before you do that, though, stick around to read this awesome post of hers. :) Continue reading “Six Ways Your Fantasy World Isn’t as Idyllic as You Think – Guest Post by Kate Flournoy”

Discovering Your World: Religion

Discovering Your World: Religion

Religion—or even lack of religion—is something that will deeply affect the way people live in your world, both individually and as collective cultures, so let’s get into the basics of worldbuilding a religion. (And if you want to go deeper, check out this post next!) Continue reading “Discovering Your World: Religion”

Discovering Your World: Technology and Magic

Discovering Your World: Technology and Magic

You have a world, you have people to inhabit your world, and you know how the world affects the people. Now you get to find out what capabilities those people have through fantasy technology and/or magic in their day-to-day lives. Continue reading “Discovering Your World: Technology and Magic”

Discovering Your World: Developing Fantasy Races

Discovering Your World: Developing Fantasy Races

When you think “fantasy races,” chances are you think elves and dwarves, but they’ve been done so much. (Says the author who has elves in almost every one of her fantasy worlds… *cough*) How do we break away from these generic races? How do we come up with something unique and original? That’s what we’re going to explore today. Continue reading “Discovering Your World: Developing Fantasy Races”