Tag: Family

Family Roles in Fantasy Cultures

Family Roles in Fantasy Cultures

Last week we talked about courtship and marriage customs, and this week we’re carrying on the family thread by discussing family roles as a whole. What role do families play in the culture of your world, or in the lives of your characters? And are they such that you can get away with not killing your teen protagonist’s parents? Well, let’s find out.

Is Family Important to This Culture?

The first thing to ask is whether or not family is appreciated in your culture. If your culture values Continue reading “Family Roles in Fantasy Cultures”

Creating Courtship & Marriage Customs

Creating Courtship & Marriage Customs

I had another guest post lined up for today about building languages, but it’s been delayed, so here’s the post I was intending to post after that one, instead. So if you’re looking forward to the final post in my conlang series, stay tuned for next week! And in the meantime, enjoy this post on developing courtship and marriage customs.

What is the Purpose of Marriage?

Really, this question should be answered from two angles. One: What is the fundamental purpose of marriage in this world? Where and why Continue reading “Creating Courtship & Marriage Customs”

Book Review: Shadowkeeper by Hope Ann

Book Review: Shadowkeeper by Hope Ann

Rating: 4 stars

Hope Ann’s latest novella is arriving today, and I was privileged to get to read it ahead of time. Shadowkeeper is inspired by the myth of Castor and Pollux and the story of Hades and Persephone, which is awesome in and of itself, but then you add in snarky, stubborn characters whose family means more to them than anything and it becomes even better.

The worldbuilding in this book is wonderful. It’s been good in the other two Hope Ann books I’ve read, too, but I think it most comes through and Continue reading “Book Review: Shadowkeeper by Hope Ann”

Love Is…

Love Is…

Tuesday night I went to bed at about 12:15 after lulling my baby sister to sleep, and a few things started running through my head. Some of these are things I’ve done, while others are things I’ve witnessed from others.

Love is when the position you’re in is horribly uncomfortable but the baby is comfortable and that’s what matters.

Love is when you’ve finally found a comfortable position and the baby’s happy, though your arm is quickly losing all feeling, Continue reading “Love Is…”