Tag: Giveaway

National Indie Author Day: Sci-Fi/Dystopian Giveaway

National Indie Author Day: Sci-Fi/Dystopian Giveaway

Last but not least for this year we have a giveaway for folks who enjoy sci-fi and dystopian stories! The lucky winner will receive a copy of Azalei’s Riders by Miranda Marie, a copy of Malfunction by J.E. Purrazzi, and a signed bookplate from each author!

I have a review of Azalei’s Riders for those interested. I don’t have a review of Malfunction, but it’s Continue reading “National Indie Author Day: Sci-Fi/Dystopian Giveaway”

National Indie Author Day: Contemporary Giveaway

National Indie Author Day: Contemporary Giveaway

For those who prefer their fiction set in the real world, I’ve got a contemporary giveaway going on! Enter to win a print copy of each Love and the Sea and Everything In Between by Brian McBride and 100 Days of Sunlight by Abbie Emmons!

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able Continue reading “National Indie Author Day: Contemporary Giveaway”

National Indie Author Day: Fantasy Giveaway

National Indie Author Day: Fantasy Giveaway

I am so excited to bring you the first National Indie Author Day giveaway for this year! We’re kicking things off with fantasy, since that’s my personal favorite, and I’m giving away some great indie fantasy books. I have a copy of Colors of Fear by Hannah Heath, Steward Stories by Beth Wangler, and Women of Kern: Book One by Maris McKay, and one lucky winner will receive all three, plus Continue reading “National Indie Author Day: Fantasy Giveaway”

How to Become an Online Influencer – Guest Post by Livy Lynn

How to Become an Online Influencer – Guest Post by Livy Lynn


That’s a pretty massive word, isn’t it?

The simple fact that each human has the ability to influence one another is such an honor. A gift. A treasure that we’re all called to steward.

We don’t have to look very far to see the laws of influence at work. We see celebrities setting trends on talk shows and on glossy magazine covers. College professors are molding minds, politicians are changing laws, and Hollywood is changing the way our culture thinks about, well, pretty much everything.

But what about us? Bloggers. Writers. YouTubers. Texters. Talkers. Social-media posters. Do we carry as much influence as the big names? Do we get a say in what happens in our world, do we get to shift and design the landscape of this life for others, or are our voices lost in the shuffle?

If you have a voice, you have influence.

And if you have a cell phone, an internet connection, or a laptop, you have the unique opportunity to influence this generation and use your voice for good.

Finding Our Place on the World Stage

We’ve all heard the phrase, “Online Influencers”, right?

I’m sure you’ve seen your favorite YouTuber or popular Instagrammer post an advertisement for a brand or company they’ve partnered with. If you’re Continue reading “How to Become an Online Influencer – Guest Post by Livy Lynn”