Tag: Giveaway

Giveaway Winners!

Okie doke. So, I ran a giveaway a few weeks ago for a copy of Slander & Steel and two pairs of bookmarks (3 winners total), and almost all of the entry options were sharing my Kickstarter giveaway, because I don’t currently have the money I need to get Slander & Steel professionally edited and get the cover art and all that jazz. My Kickstarter was still unsuccessful, despite y’all’s sharing, but I still appreciate your help.

Unfortunately, an unsuccessful Kickstarter means still no book, and I have to form a new plan which will almost certainly push the release date back, so I’m not sure when you winners are going to get your prizes. I’m absolutely not backing out or anything, you will get your prizes, but I can’t promise when. :P I’m still working to push forward, and the plan is still to publish in 2019 if at all possible, so I’m not giving up on any of this yet.

Now, with that caveat out of the way, let’s announce the winners!

The winner of the grand prize is… Marissa Baker! You will be getting a copy of Slander & Steel a month before its release.

The two winners of the bookmark prizes are… Mary Bliese and Leah Tutton! As soon as I have the official cover art I can put together y’all’s bookmarks and send them.

Thank you for your help promoting the Kickstarter campaign. I hope I’m able to get your prizes to you in a semi-timely manner.

I’d like to thank the rest of you for your support, as well. I’m excited to share Slander & Steel with you all, and I really hope you enjoy it when it comes out. ^-^

Slander & Steel Giveaway!

Slander & Steel Giveaway!

As I’m prepping to write this post, I’m realizing I haven’t kept y’all here on the blog updated on Slander & Steel‘s progress. Slander & Steel is the new title for The Heart of the Baenor, if y’all remember that. It’s a book I’ve been working on editing over the past several months. (You can read more about it here.) I ran a Kickstarter campaign in August while it was with beta-readers and I did a bad job of it–both the setup of the campaign and the promotion of it–and my editing stalled out in September, BUT now I’m coming back Continue reading “Slander & Steel Giveaway!”

Editing Giveaway

Editing Giveaway

Are you looking for an editor for your speculative fiction book? You’re in luck! I’m offering a 25%-off edit to two lucky winners, lowering my rate from $2/page to $1.50/page. You can read more about my editing and hear what others have to say about it on my editing page. Sound like something you’d be interested in? Enter below to win one of two discounted edits!

a Rafflecopter giveaway