Tag: Guest Post

Worldbuilding Lessons from a History Major – Guest Post by Cate VanNostrand

Worldbuilding Lessons from a History Major – Guest Post by Cate VanNostrand

Today I’m excited to share a guest post from Cate VanNostrand, who has been a long-time friend and supporter of my work and, I’m happy to announce, recently launched a blog where you can learn more about her and her work! There will be a link to her website at the bottom of the post and I highly recommend you check it out. But for now I’ll pass you over to her!

History has a huge impact on the way we write. Whether we’re basing our stories off of real-life historical events or using history to Continue reading “Worldbuilding Lessons from a History Major – Guest Post by Cate VanNostrand”

5 Types of Story Structure to Help You Outline Your Novel

5 Types of Story Structure to Help You Outline Your Novel

I’ve been wanting to have a post comparing different plot structures/outlining systems on the blog for a while, and today Rose Atkinson-Carter is filling that gap! Big thanks to her for this guest post.

I have added affiliate links to this post. They are marked with an asterisk, and purchases made through them earn me a small commission at no extra cost you. Plus, BookShop supports local U.S. bookstores! The books that I’ve recommended are all in my own personal writing library and I’ve referenced them myself for various projects.

All that out of the way, I’ll turn it over to Rose!

As you outline your novel, you’re juggling dozens of different parts. You have character arcs, pacing, and plot to consider and somehow put together into a cohesive whole. The process can be daunting. Writers often find themselves stalled in the planning phase, unsure where to go next.

Sometimes, what you need is a game plan: a dependable story structure that can set you on the right path and help you finish that outline. Even if you’re more of a pantser, an understanding of story structures and how a plot should progress will help you develop in your writing.

Let’s look at some common Continue reading “5 Types of Story Structure to Help You Outline Your Novel”

Why I Chose Traditional Publishing – Guest Post by Rachel Leitch

Why I Chose Traditional Publishing – Guest Post by Rachel Leitch

Hey everyone! I know this week’s post is going up on an odd day, but that’s because today I have the pleasure of hosting a guest post by Rachel Leitch! She’s already written a solid intro, so I’ll go ahead and turn it over to her without further ado.

Hello, adventurers! Today, I’m swapping posts with R. M. Archer. If you’ve followed her for a while, you know that she’s interested in independent “indie” publishing, which is truly a fascinating world. Luckily for you, she’s written a lovely guest post about why she chose indie publishing that you can catch over on my blog: https://racheljleitch.weebly.com.

If you’ve followed me for a while, you know that I’m interested in traditional publishing. That’s what I’m here Continue reading “Why I Chose Traditional Publishing – Guest Post by Rachel Leitch”

How to Write Fashion – Guest Post by Victoria Smith

How to Write Fashion – Guest Post by Victoria Smith

Last week I talked about how to develop purposeful fantasy fashions. This week Victoria Smith is going to take over and talk about some of the more practical elements of using the fashion you’ve developed. Enjoy!

Worldbuilding is hard. Being a fantasy writer—a novice one, mind you—I should know. While I’d like to think I have a natural talent for certain aspects of writing, I am by no means an expert. Still, I will offer my personal opinions, tricks and tips to help you with the tangible parts of worldbuilding. One for today: fashion or clothing. 

Before really diving into fashion in worldbuilding, there are four questions Continue reading “How to Write Fashion – Guest Post by Victoria Smith”

Medicine and Medical Practice in Fantasy Cultures – Guest Post by Allie

Medicine and Medical Practice in Fantasy Cultures – Guest Post by Allie

Welcome back to another worldbuilding post! This one is a guest post by my best friend Allie, who was kind enough to write up a post about something that she loves and is great at: medicine. Specifically, of course, fantasy medicine. So, without further ado, let me turn you over to her!

Thank you for this opportunity to guest post on your blog, Ariel! Lord knows I have a hard time posting enough on my own blog, but I love helping others out, especially on a topic I enjoy ranting about for hours on end: medicine! 

One thing I’ve noticed people struggle with is successful—or even believable—medicine in books where info isn’t readily available (and sometimes even when it is, but that’s another post). Most of the time this means fantasy, sci-fi, dystopian, steampunk, or anything involving magic, but other genres can also fall victim to some of the biggest issues most people have with writing a functional medical system.  Continue reading “Medicine and Medical Practice in Fantasy Cultures – Guest Post by Allie”