Tag: Magic

How Should Christians Write About… Magic?

How Should Christians Write About… Magic?

Magic can be a hot-button topic in Christian fantasy circles. Is magic ever okay? What is the difference between the magic in Lord of the Rings and the magic in Harry Potter? Should we just avoid it all? Does the faith of the author make a difference?

As with the other topics addressed in this series, magic in fiction is a matter of personal conviction and the intention of these posts is not to tell you what to think but rather to pose food for thought and my personal understanding of the topic based on what I see in Scripture.

To start with, I want to highlight a few different categories of “magic,” because I think a lot of conflict arises when we’re unclear about what we mean by “magic.”

I tend to see Continue reading “How Should Christians Write About… Magic?”

Discovering Your World: Technology and Magic

Discovering Your World: Technology and Magic

You have a world, you have people to inhabit your world, and you know how the world affects the people. Now you get to find out what capabilities those people have through fantasy technology and/or magic in their day-to-day lives. Continue reading “Discovering Your World: Technology and Magic”