Tag: Movies

Thoughts on Dune

Thoughts on Dune

In January, I finally got around to approaching Dune. In the months since, I have watched the first Timothée Chalemet movie twice, read the book, and watched the second movie, and all of my thoughts on all of it are kind of tangled up together, so here is one “review” post to cover all of it, for anyone curious.

Movie #1

I was going to wait Continue reading “Thoughts on Dune”

The Mystery Blogger Award

The Mystery Blogger Award

I was tagged for this… three months ago, and it managed to fall through the cracks and never get done. Because I’m an excellent blogger… But we’re here now! So let’s get into the tag. :)


  1. Put the award logo/image on your blog. (see above ^)
  2. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog. (Thank you, Miranda, for tagging me!)
  3. Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well. (This was created by Okoto Enigmas)
  4. Answer the five questions you were asked.
  5. Nominate ten – twenty people.
  6. Notify your nominees by commenting on their blogs/linking to their most recent posts.
  7. Ask your nominees any five questions of your choice with one weird or funny question.
  8. Share a link to your best post(s).


1. What book do you think held the best mystery? (doesn’t have to be a mystery book, but it has to be one that you have read)

Continue reading “The Mystery Blogger Award”

The Marvel Cinematic Universe Tag

The Marvel Cinematic Universe Tag

Christine over at Fairy Dust On My Pen, who created this tag, left it open to all Marvel fans, so I’m doing the tag. (In case anyone was curious, no, I haven’t watched Endgame yet. On the bright side, it’s making me extra resistant to Pinterest’s whiles since Pinterest is where I KEEP SEEING SPOILERS if I’m not careful, so I’m just avoiding it as much as possible. XD) But without further ado, the tag. Continue reading “The Marvel Cinematic Universe Tag”

The Greatest Showman Review

The Greatest Showman Review

I never review movies on this blog unless I’m really impressed with the storytelling (and so far none of them have reached that bar), but The Greatest Showman was so stunning that I have to write about it. “Review” likely won’t be the best description of what you’re about to read, because this movie is beyond breathtaking, so be prepared for me to circle around to the same things and totally exhaust my vocabulary of positive adjectives.

I went into this movie knowing that it was going to be good. I didn’t go in with super high expectations, but I’d had friends tell me it was amazing, Continue reading “The Greatest Showman Review”