Tag: My Stories

NaNoWriMo Week 3 Check-In

NaNoWriMo Week 3 Check-In

Yes, this is late. Life has been craaaaazy, and I’ve burnt out a little. :P But better late than never, right?

Can you believe there’s less than a week left in November? Anyone else feel like the month just flew by?

Current total word count: 30,693 (why yes, Continue reading “NaNoWriMo Week 3 Check-In”

Character Interview: Elk Elfbourne

Character Interview: Elk Elfbourne

Last week I interviewed Leafman, one of two POV characters in my latest Half-Elves rewrite, and this week I’m interviewing his older brother and the other POV character, Elk. He’s been the oldest of his siblings for the past nine years, and he’s a natural leader. He does his best to be a good brother, but he has a tendency to overlook things or only see the surface of his siblings’ issues and fail to support them effectively. Still, he’s super compassionate and protective and loving and I really enjoy writing him. I hope you enjoy his interview. :) Continue reading “Character Interview: Elk Elfbourne”

May-June Language of Worlds Link-Up

May-June Language of Worlds Link-Up

There’s another edition of Language of Worlds out! This month, I’ll be answering for Rynn.

1. Your character goes on a leisurely stroll. Where to?

She’s probably in the Eckards’ garden. The Eckards have a big garden surrounding their manor, always kept in wonderful shape, and it’s a favorite place for anyone who’s been there. Rynn finds it extremely relaxing. Continue reading “May-June Language of Worlds Link-Up”