Tag: Novel

Character Interview: Thorian Sedona

Character Interview: Thorian Sedona

Thorian is a character from The Shadow Raven, a member of the Roenoran council and a friend of Nissa‘s and Detren‘s. He’s also kind of a flirt and may or may not have something of a shady backstory. Continue reading “Character Interview: Thorian Sedona”

5 Tips to Help You Keep Writing Your Work-in-Progress

5 Tips to Help You Keep Writing Your Work-in-Progress

Sticking with one novel to completion is something I’m only just now learning this year. I know the struggle of losing steam and deciding to chase down a shiny new idea instead, thinking it’ll be easier. In the words of Rick Riordan, “DON’T! That new book won’t be any easier.” And it never is. As someone who has 70+ unfinished stories laying around, I can attest to that. If you keep chasing new ideas you’ll always chase after the new shiny and never finish anything. So, to help you combat that, here are five tips to overcoming “Ooh Shiny Syndrome” so that you can keep writing your current project. Continue reading “5 Tips to Help You Keep Writing Your Work-in-Progress”

Clean Fantasy and Boring Cover Syndrome

Clean Fantasy and Boring Cover Syndrome

Since recently subscribing to a number of clean fantasy authors’ newsletters, I’ve come across a disappointing trend. A lot of clean fantasy books have really unimpressive covers. You know the old adage “don’t judge a book by its cover,” and that’s great in principle, but when it comes to books, readers really do judge books by their covers. As a reader myself I can attest to this. Heck, it’s why I’m writing this post.

I love finding clean fantasy books. They’re rare, and thus Continue reading “Clean Fantasy and Boring Cover Syndrome”

Character Interview: Alleyn Everlind

Character Interview: Alleyn Everlind

Alleyn Everlind is king of Roenor and father of Detren Everlind. He’s Detren’s role model at the beginning of The Shadow Raven, and his son is a lot like him. Continue reading “Character Interview: Alleyn Everlind”

Character Interview: Prynn Nemea

Character Interview: Prynn Nemea

Prynn is one of the semi-main characters of The Shadow Raven. She’s Detren‘s cousin, and she does her best to keep him steady as he becomes king. Continue reading “Character Interview: Prynn Nemea”