Tag: Organization

Discovering Your World: Organizing the Info

Discovering Your World: Organizing the Info

Due to a week of massive sleep deprivation and the realization that I’ve actually already written a decent post on developing wildlife that said everything I’d say now (see here), I’ve decided to replace my intended post on wildlife with a post on organizing your worldbuilding, to keep things on-schedule.

Worldbuilding is a massive undertaking, and there’s a ton of information to keep straight. Chances are you have info scattered everywhere–a sticky note with a handful of city names, a map tossed in a desk drawer, a binder that has some of your worldbuilding but not all the stuff that you wrote down in various notebooks. Fortunately, there’s a cure for this! Actually, multiple cures, depending on how you like to work. Continue reading “Discovering Your World: Organizing the Info”

Using Mindmaps for Worldbuilding

Mindmaps are awesome for brainstorming ideas. You start with a broad idea and then narrow your scope and narrow your scope until you can’t narrow it any further, and this is great when you want to figure out what sorts of details you need to develop about your fictional cultures. And since I’ve been experimenting with video recently and I think this post would be easier if y’all could see my screen… I’m going to do a video of this post rather than text.

I’m considering making video a common thing next year Continue reading “Using Mindmaps for Worldbuilding”

Pinterest Country Boards

Pinterest Country Boards

After two weeks of tags I’m finally back with a worldbuilding post. I’m also promoting Pinterest again, because Pinterest is awesome and I use it for all sorts of writing-related things. (No, they didn’t pay me.)

I’m not sure Pinterest is really something most people consider when they think about worldbuilding tools, but it’s wonderful for that purpose anyway, particularly for visual people, so here’s a look at how I set up my Pinterest country boards. Continue reading “Pinterest Country Boards”

Camp NaNo Prep: The Idea

Camp NaNo Prep: The Idea

NaNoWriMo’s next session is just a month away. For those of you who don’t know, Camp NaNoWriMo is a version of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) in which you’re put in a virtual cabin with other writers (assuming you sign up on the official site) and you get to set your own goal. Your goal can be measured in words, hours, minutes, lines, or pages. It’s more laid-back than the regular November session (in which the goal is a set 50,000 words, though obviously you don’t have to stay tied to that if you don’t want to) and you have the opportunity to hang out with a small group of like-minded writers for the whole month of July. (I’m considering putting together a cabin starting with those of you who follow my blog. Would anyone be interested in that?)

Anyway, over the next month my Tuesday writing posts will Continue reading “Camp NaNo Prep: The Idea”

My Writing Toolbox

My Writing Toolbox

My writing toolbox holds a variety of things, all for different reasons. Some I use more often than others, some I use quite rarely, but I use them all and I find them all useful. (All prices are marked, and all logos belong to their respective companies.)


Continue reading “My Writing Toolbox”