Tag: Prompts

50 Worldbuilding Prompts

50 Worldbuilding Prompts

Welcome to another worldbuilding post! Today, I wanted to share with you a list of worldbuilding prompts (in no particular order) that I’ve used when developing Deseran, specifically, that have helped me delve into some of the beliefs and the details of various cultures I’ve built, beyond the basics. Many of these I came up with myself; others I got from other lists and found helpful. Continue reading “50 Worldbuilding Prompts”

Preptober Prompts Day 14 – 2019

Preptober Prompts Day 14 – 2019

The end of the week has arrived, and with it my answers to this week’s prompts. :)

Day 8 – How does your main character feel about music?

All of my main characters love music. Since they live in the lower villages music is a big cultural thing, but they also just love making music and find it a lot of fun. Almost all of them sing around work. Continue reading “Preptober Prompts Day 14 – 2019”

Preptober Prompts Day 2 – 2019

Preptober Prompts Day 2 – 2019

In the lower villages of Virilia, music is something that brings communities together. Lower village communities are always fairly close-knit, but music is one of the things that always brings a village’s members to one place and helps Continue reading “Preptober Prompts Day 2 – 2019”

Preptober Prompts Week 3 Day 5 – 2018

Preptober Prompts Week 3 Day 5 – 2018

Mm, weather affecting the plot. This is something I stink at thinking about. XD I guess mostly the changing temperature would be a factor, and I’d have to remember to show that through the characters’ wardrobe and responses to being outdoors and that kind of thing. As far as the main plot… I’m not sure it does affect it that much. The plot is pretty independent of seasons (at least unless/until we get into winter), so I don’t think it really affects the main happenings of the story.

Check out Leila’s original post here!