Sooooo, there’s another birthday this week. And it’s my blog’s! It’s officially past the terrible twos and into its childhood. (Is that weird? That’s weird…) ANYWAY. To celebrate, I’ll be answering y’all’s questions, sharing some of what I’ve been up to… and making (what I think is) an awesome announcement! So without further ado, let’s go! Continue reading “Three-Year Blog Anniversary”
Tag: Q&A
The Liebster Blog Award #3
I first did this tag in October 2017, then again in August 2018, and now I’ve been nominated a third time. (Since the questions are always different, I’m totally okay doing this tag/award multiple times. XD) Thanks, Odelia, for the nomination! :)
The Rules:
Acknowledge the blogger that gave it to you and display the award.
Answer 11 questions that the blogger gave you.
Give 11 random thoughts about yourself.
Nominate 11 other bloggers and notify them of their nominations.
Ask your nominees 11 questions. Continue reading “The Liebster Blog Award #3”
The Leibster Blog Award
I was just nominated for the Leibster Award by Kaylan over at No Two Paths. Her blog name was inspired by Robert Frost’s poem “The Road Not Taken,” and specifically these lines:
“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.”
That’s really cool.
Thanks for the nomination, Kaylan!
What is the Leibster Blog Award?
Inspire Me
So, Hannah at Ink Blots and Coffee Stains didn’t really tag me for this, but she did say anyone who wanted to could do it (thank you for that :)), so I am.
Here are the rules:
1. Copy these totally amazing and spectacular rules onto your post
2. Smile and twirl in a circle and look at your favorite inspiring thing and take deep breaths as you prepare for my amazingness
3. Thank your gorgeous, lovely tagger
4. Tag five other bloggers (or more. or less. or none. just whatever you want.)
5. Have fun and be honest and answer all the questions (and feel free to add some of your own!) Continue reading “Inspire Me”
Sunshine Blogger Award
I was nominated to do this challenge by my friend Dreamer, so thank you to her. :)
1. If you could invent a new method of delivering letters, what would it be?
Hmm. Sending them by mechanical griffins might be cool. I honestly have no idea.
2. Coffee or Tea? Or neither, if not both? Continue reading “Sunshine Blogger Award”