Tag: Resource Round-Up

Self-Publishing Resource Round-Up

With the new year and new goals, it seemed like a good time to put together a list of resources for those of you looking into indie publishing. This is far from an exhaustive list, but it gathers all of the resources that I’ve used (as well as a couple I haven’t). Feel free to drop your additions to the list in the comments if you’ve found great self-publishing Continue reading “Self-Publishing Resource Round-Up”

NaNoWriMo Resource Round-Up

NaNoWriMo Resource Round-Up

NaNoWriMo is a significant undertaking, and it can help a lot to have some resources to fall back on both during prep for November and during the event itself. Here are some of the resources I’ve found helpful in past years.

*links with an asterisk are affiliate links, meaning I earn a small commission on purchases made through them, at no extra cost to you

Continue reading “NaNoWriMo Resource Round-Up”

Worldbuilding Resource Round-Up

Worldbuilding Resource Round-Up

Today I have a round-up of worldbuilding resources for you guys that I’d intended to post last month and ended up replacing with a post on infodumping. Hopefully these resources are helpful. :) Continue reading “Worldbuilding Resource Round-Up”

Character Development Resource Round-Up

Character Development Resource Round-Up

Hey writers. I come today bearing a gift: A collection of resources to help out with character development. I’ve sorted it into categories so that you can easily find what you’re looking for (or just easily sort out what’s what), and I’ve collected here many of the posts I’ve found over the years and saved to my Pinterest boards (you can find my account here if you’d like to see some of the other articles I’ve saved on other aspects of writing, or if you’d like to see my storyboards/character boards/etc., and here are my Writing Tips: Characters and Characters: Creation boards if you’d like even more tips on character development). Continue reading “Character Development Resource Round-Up”