NaNoWriMo is a significant undertaking, and it can help a lot to have some resources to fall back on both during prep for November and during the event itself. Here are some of the resources I’ve found helpful in past years.

NaNoWriMo is a significant undertaking, and it can help a lot to have some resources to fall back on both during prep for November and during the event itself. Here are some of the resources I’ve found helpful in past years.
Today I have a round-up of worldbuilding resources for you guys that I’d intended to post last month and ended up replacing with a post on infodumping. Hopefully these resources are helpful. :) Continue reading “Worldbuilding Resource Round-Up” →
With NaNoWriMo beginning tomorrow, I thought I’d post a collection of helpful articles pertaining to the survival of this insane quest we’re undertaking.
Word Hunter’s NaNoWriMo checklist.
How To Win NaNoWriMo with a Publishing-Worthy Novel by Tomi Adeyemi. Continue reading “NaNoWriMo Resource Round-Up” →
So I’m going to do something a little bit new and put together a roundup of online writing resources that I’ve found helpful, and hopefully you will too. All of the following are free unless marked.
Brandon Sanderson’s lectures at Brigham Young University. I’ve linked the first of twelve YouTube videos. I’ve only watched the first three so far, but they were very good. He talks about the main aspects of writing – characters, setting, and plot – and what he calls “the box,” which I haven’t gotten to yet. Continue reading “Writing Resource Roundup” →