Tag: Reviews

Book Review: Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton

Book Review: Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton

Overall this book was okay. It wasn’t great, it wasn’t terrible. As I was talking over it with my best friend in the car on the way home I figured out it’s because the bones are good but the main character isn’t really as fleshed out as she could be. So let’s start with characters, shall we?

All of the characters in this book were kind of one-dimensional. None of them were boring, per se, but none of them were particularly deep. They were all pretty “what you see is what you get,” and with quite a few of them “what you see” wasn’t much. The main character, Continue reading “Book Review: Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton”

Book Review: Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes

Book Review: Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes

This book looked pretty cool when I got it. I mean, it’s high fantasy. I had yet to read a high fantasy that I was particularly disappointed by. Plus, it’s a high fantasy with political intrigue and three countries going to war. Now where have I heard that before… I thought it could be a good research book for The Dark War Trilogy, considering the idea was somewhat the same, and I might glean some insight from it.

Skip forward to me, sitting in the dentist’s office Continue reading “Book Review: Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes”

Book Review: Echoes by Miranda Marie

Book Review: Echoes by Miranda Marie

This book is amazing. I’ll just start with that. This book is wonderful. The style, the characters, the plot… It’s just wonderful.

I had the privilege of reading excerpts of this book, since Miranda (Mandy) and I are in the same writing group (which in no way affects this review, because this book can more than stand on its own), and I immediately fell in love with the poetic writing style and intricate characters. Every excerpt just piqued my interest more, and by the time I was finally able to buy Echoes* I was dying to read it. Continue reading “Book Review: Echoes by Miranda Marie”

Book of the Month Review: Graceling by Kristin Cashore

Book of the Month Review: Graceling by Kristin Cashore

I started this book sometime before August (or maybe during August) and finally finished it on September sixteenth. It was very, very good, and I gave it five stars on Goodreads.

My favorite thing about this book was the characters. They were all well-written, well fleshed out, deep, enjoyable characters, with the possible exceptions of Giddon and the Leinid crew. Giddon seemed rather shallow to me, but even at that Continue reading “Book of the Month Review: Graceling by Kristin Cashore”