Tag: Sci-Fi

Thoughts on Dune

Thoughts on Dune

In January, I finally got around to approaching Dune. In the months since, I have watched the first Timothée Chalemet movie twice, read the book, and watched the second movie, and all of my thoughts on all of it are kind of tangled up together, so here is one “review” post to cover all of it, for anyone curious.

Movie #1

I was going to wait Continue reading “Thoughts on Dune”

2023 Know the Novel: Part 3 – Words Written

2023 Know the Novel: Part 3 – Words Written

Hello and welcome to what is both the last installment of this year’s Know the Novel link-up as well as my last blog post for this year as I take a December hiatus to enjoy the holidays and recharge for the new year. (Go back to the beginning of this year’s Know the Novel series here.)

Today we get to look back on Lightning and the writing process thereof, as well as plans moving forward and future dreams for the story!

1. Firstly, how did writing this novel go all around?

The process for Lightning was rather slow (I started outlining on June 1st, 2022 and finished drafting on November 7th, 2023), but Continue reading “2023 Know the Novel: Part 3 – Words Written”

Book Review: Timely by The Phoenix Fiction Writers

Book Review: Timely by The Phoenix Fiction Writers

Honestly, this was probably my least favorite PFW anthology thus far. Still a 5-star read, just not quite beyond 5 stars as previous anthologies have been. Timely is, as the title suggests, themed around the concept of time (which is how I finagled it onto my CG comp titles list, lol) and it features two guest authors in addition to the PFW contributors (three guests, if you count the fact that Kyle Robert Shultz is no longer part of the Phoenix Fiction Writers).

The first few stories were great. The Clockwork Toymaker was super Continue reading “Book Review: Timely by The Phoenix Fiction Writers”

National Indie Author Day: Sci-Fi/Dystopian Giveaway

National Indie Author Day: Sci-Fi/Dystopian Giveaway

Last but not least for this year we have a giveaway for folks who enjoy sci-fi and dystopian stories! The lucky winner will receive a copy of Azalei’s Riders by Miranda Marie, a copy of Malfunction by J.E. Purrazzi, and a signed bookplate from each author!

I have a review of Azalei’s Riders for those interested. I don’t have a review of Malfunction, but it’s Continue reading “National Indie Author Day: Sci-Fi/Dystopian Giveaway”

Fantasy News & Communication

Fantasy News & Communication

Hello and welcome back to Scribes & Archers. The weather for today is looking rather crisp, with a chance of flying newspapers. But let’s head over to Worldbuilding with recent news updates. Worldbuilding?

Okay, not the best intro, but today we’re talking about how communication, and especially the news, works in your world. The title says fantasy, but this can apply to any fictional world. And I’m a little brain-dead today, so please bear with me.

What’s in the News?

Let’s start with content. What is considered newsworthy in your world? Continue reading “Fantasy News & Communication”