Tag: Self-Publishing

How to Choose a Good Editor

How to Choose a Good Editor

If you’re an indie author, in particular, you likely know that a professional editor is part of the investment. But it can be hard to know which editor to choose. How do you know who is going to be a high-quality editor, and how do you know they’ll be the right fit for your book? This post will address both the traits of a good editor, as well as how to assess whether or not an editor has these qualities and whether or not s/he is a good fit for you specifically.

Traits of a good editor


Especially if you’re working with a particular schedule for a given project–whether you’ve announced a release date, plan to submit a project somewhere by a certain date, etc.–it is important to have an editor who can and will get your project scheduled and edited in a timely manner. Many editors will have an average turnaround time posted Continue reading “How to Choose a Good Editor”

Self-Publishing Resource Round-Up

With the new year and new goals, it seemed like a good time to put together a list of resources for those of you looking into indie publishing. This is far from an exhaustive list, but it gathers all of the resources that I’ve used (as well as a couple I haven’t). Feel free to drop your additions to the list in the comments if you’ve found great self-publishing Continue reading “Self-Publishing Resource Round-Up”

Why to Invest in Copy-Edits

Why to Invest in Copy-Edits

This month I’m writing about why indie authors should invest in edits. I started out talking about developmental edits, then I discussed line edits, and this week I’m wrapping up with copy-edits.

Copy-edits focus on a story’s grammatical issues, and I believe every indie author should get a good copy-editor. I could give you a long list of indie books that were excellent in content, but didn’t Continue reading “Why to Invest in Copy-Edits”

Why to Invest in Line Edits

Why to Invest in Line Edits

Welcome back to this three-part series on investing in novel edits! Last week we talked about what developmental editing is and why it’s important, and this week we get to talk about my favorite type of edits: line edits.

Line edits are edits that more-or-less focus on the sentence-level. These are edits that will Continue reading “Why to Invest in Line Edits”

Why to Invest in Developmental Edits

Why to Invest in Developmental Edits

It’s the new year, the time when many authors set goals for their writing projects and may look toward future steps for their books. So today, for any of you looking into editing and/or publishing in the coming year, I want to offer some insight into the three primary types of editing and why each one is important to not overlook.

We’re going to start with the edits that cover the most large-scale problems in a manuscript: Developmental Edits. Continue reading “Why to Invest in Developmental Edits”