Lost Girl

Genre: Fantasy (retelling)

Release Date: May 29, 2018

Length: 50 pages

Paperback: $5.25

Ebook: $0.99

Nya is the granddaughter of Captain Hook, and she has no intention of letting Peter Pan live after what he’s done to her family.
When she finally finds his hideout and goes to raid it with her pirate band, she’s caught, something she can barely comprehend, and when she starts to fall for Pan, it’s an even bigger surprise.
But what will happen when she loses all she’s come to love, and even Neverland itself?

The ocean began to roil under the ship and Nya’s attention snapped to the white sky. Storm clouds were beginning to billow, darkening the sky to gray. The waves were beginning to toss, and a figure raised out of the ocean. It took the form of a woman seemingly forged of silver, larger than the ship, with hair billowing around her head and a fiery anger in her shining eyes.

“Who are you to enter the domain of Charybdis unbidden?” The figure’s voice was deep and powerful, rolling like thunder across the water.

“I am Nya Hook.” Nya had to shout over the crashing waves, heavy wind blowing mist into her face and taking her breath away. She wondered if Charybdis could even hear her. “I only came to explore the Oblivion. I’ll leave immediately if that’s what you want.”

But Charybdis’ gaze had latched onto Pan, and she was nearing the ship, impervious to the wind and waves. “No. I want him.”