Summer 2021 Wrap-Up

It’s been a long summer, and yet at the same time it’s crazy to think that the summer is nearly over. In some ways, the summer is over for me. My summer was defined by working at camp, and I’ve now been home for one week and done with camp for two. In other ways, I still have summer for a few more weeks, since I’m not going to school this fall and therefore am not starting classes at the moment. So basically it’s another case of “time is weird,” as it often is.
Anyway. I had a good summer. I learned a lot. I’m already writing about some of what I learned, as I do. I shared the gospel with kids. I made friends. I definitely learned some of my weaknesses, lol. But it went well.
And now I’m working on getting back into a rhythm at home! I didn’t have opportunities to work on writing much at camp, so it’s been nice to get back to my projects. Calligraphy Guild, especially, is going quite well; I’m very excited about some of the developments with that. I also have some blogging projects I’m working on. And meanwhile I’m also looking for a new job, which is a bit of an adventure at the moment.
I talked about this some in my blogiversary post, but I’ll use this opportunity to bring the info together and streamline it better, lol. I’m currently on my last set of self-edits with Calligraphy Guild! I’m taking in feedback from my beta-readers, and I’ve already taken care of all of the easy fixes they suggested. In September I’ll be diving into the more significant edits, adding a couple of scenes and deepening characters in places and strengthening character voice, and the aim is to have those finished within the month so that I can send CG off to a professional editor at the beginning of October. There’s some other stuff going on, too, but I’m keeping it close to the vest for now. (If you do want the inside scoop and you’d like to help me promote my work and share announcements and whatnot, you can join my street team mailing list.)
Despite my busy schedule, I was able to finish two books this summer: The Scorpion Rules by Erin Bow and That Hideous Strength by C.S. Lewis. The former was a thrift store find that proved to be an easy read for breaks at work and… not much else. I wouldn’t really recommend it; it was pretty mediocre. That Hideous Strength, on the other hand, was a good conclusion to the Space Trilogy. It was quite well-done (come on, it’s Lewis), and The Space Trilogy is definitely my favorite of his fiction works (of those I’ve read).
What’s Next?
I can’t really tell you for sure what to expect over the next month or so, since I’m still sorting out transitions and whatnot. But I’m back! I’m enjoying the opportunity to read and respond to comments again and reconnect with y’all. ^-^ And I’m making progress on the blogs and on writing, again, so I can tell you you’ll be seeing more of those moving forward. But there might end up being schedule adjustments or changes of that nature as I figure out a new normal and work to balance writing with my other endeavors. We’ll see.
Now I want to hear from you. How was your summer? What are your plans for the coming months? Have you found any good books lately? I’d love to chat in the comments!