Tag: Monthly Wrap-Up

October 2021 Wrap-Up

October 2021 Wrap-Up

Another month is nearly over and another is upon us. Personally, I’m ready for October to be over; it’s been way too gloomy for my liking and I’m ready to move on. But I’m not sure I’m ready for the holiday season to be here already; not because I don’t like the holidays, just because Continue reading “October 2021 Wrap-Up”

September 2021 Wrap-Up

September 2021 Wrap-Up

Can you believe it’s almost October?? I don’t know if it’s the fact that I was gone all summer or just the usual shock that fall is already here and there are only three months left in the year, but it feels like this year has flown by. And this month somehow seems like it was super short and at the same time like it’s been a lifetime already!


I’ve made a lot of progress Continue reading “September 2021 Wrap-Up”

Summer 2021 Wrap-Up

Summer 2021 Wrap-Up

It’s been a long summer, and yet at the same time it’s crazy to think that the summer is nearly over. In some ways, the summer is over for me. My summer was defined by working at camp, and I’ve now been home for one week and done with camp for two. In other ways, I still have summer for a few more weeks, since I’m not going to school this fall and therefore Continue reading “Summer 2021 Wrap-Up”

April 2021 Wrap-Up

April 2021 Wrap-Up


I wrote around 27k on The Masked Captain this month (a little over half what I was aiming for), plus several thousand words of a just-for-me project that I worked on when I was bored. I also did a bit of worldbuilding, and I’ve still been working on scheduling posts for this summer. Despite Continue reading “April 2021 Wrap-Up”