Favorite Writing Quotes
So we’ve reached the middle of November, and for those of us doing NaNoWriMo, it’s quite possible we need some encouragement. I know I do. I’ve been slow all month, so I’m feeling kind of discouraged with my writing. Maybe you’re in a similar situation. If you’re still right on track and going strong, good for you! You’re awesome and I congratulate you. If you are a bit behind like I am, you’re still awesome, and you deserve commendation for persevering despite your discouragement. In case you need a bit of a writing pick-me-up, here are some of my favorite writing quotes.
“You might not write well everyday, but you can always edit a bad page. You can’t edit a blank page.” – Jodi Picoult
“I think new writers are too worried that it has all been said before. Sure it has, but not by you.” – Asha Dornfest
“Writing a book is always hard work. It’s much easier to think of new ideas. You’ll get to the middle of the manuscript and you’ll think, ‘Oh, this is too hard. I’ll start another book instead and that will be easier.’ DON’T! That new book won’t be any easier.” – Rick Riordan
“Writing. Do not undertake this passion lightly. It is work, discipline, often the loneliness of duties. But if your spirit soars with the creative gift of the Father, Creator of all, then by all means have at it! ‘Cuz it’s a lot of fun!” – Wayne Thomas Batson.
“It doesn’t matter how slow you go as long as you don’t stop.” – Confucius
“Remember you love writing. It wouldn’t be worth it if you didn’t. If the love fades, do what you need to and get it back.” – A.L. Kennedy
“Serious writers write, inspired or not. Over time they discover that routine is a better friend than inspiration.” – Ralph Keyes
“A writer never has a vacation. For a writer, life consists of either writing or thinking about writing.” – Eugene Ionesco
“Don’t tell me the moon is shining. Show me the glint of light on broken glass.” – Anton Chekhov
Hopefully some of these were encouraging. Whatever you do, don’t. stop. writing. Keep going. You may not win NaNoWriMo, you might not even come close, but whatever words you’ve written are more than you had before you started.
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