Tag: Contemporary

Character Interview: Keslie Bardell

Character Interview: Keslie Bardell

Image by JSpiess (JSpiess – photography shot in Eastern PA) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons

Those of you who’ve been on the blog since last August (and maybe those of you who haven’t) have probably read Sea Glass & Pressed Flowers, which was my third short story on the blog. It’s not my most fabulous work, but I really enjoyed writing it. I’ve interviewed the secondary character Livi Brooklyn, but I have yet to interview any of the other characters, including the main character Keslie Bardell. Keslie is sweet, loves the ocean, loves music, is a great artist and a dancer, and loves coffee shops (specifically the one she works at) and warm cozy things. Enjoy her interview. :)

Continue reading “Character Interview: Keslie Bardell”

Book Review: Echoes by Miranda Marie

Book Review: Echoes by Miranda Marie

This book is amazing. I’ll just start with that. This book is wonderful. The style, the characters, the plot… It’s just wonderful.

I had the privilege of reading excerpts of this book, since Miranda (Mandy) and I are in the same writing group (which in no way affects this review, because this book can more than stand on its own), and I immediately fell in love with the poetic writing style and intricate characters. Every excerpt just piqued my interest more, and by the time I was finally able to buy Echoes* I was dying to read it. Continue reading “Book Review: Echoes by Miranda Marie”

Music – Short Story Sunday

Music – Short Story Sunday

All right, so this is really late being published because I was out of town this weekend and didn’t have a lot of time to work on it. As such it’s also a bit rougher than some of my other short stories, and please keep in mind that I am a novelist, not a songwriter, so the lyrics of these songs might not be the most spectacular because I didn’t have a lot of time to look over them. Anyway, I hope that despite all of that you’ll enjoy this. :) Continue reading “Music – Short Story Sunday”