Tag: Indie Fiction

Book Review: Inseparable by E.B. Roshan

Book Review: Inseparable by E.B. Roshan

Starting today, I’ll be posting book reviews for three straight weeks, because apparently September is a popular release month this year! First up, Inseparable by E.B. Roshan released yesterday and I had the opportunity to read an ARC.

(Required disclaimer that though I received a free copy to review, the following opinions are my own.)

What is Inseparable about?

War brought Radoslav and Dunya together. If she hadn’t become a refugee, and he hadn’t taken a job as an interpreter at the camp she was sent to, they never would have met. Now, they’re taking the first tentative steps toward a peaceful future for themselves and their adopted son. Settled in a fishing village far from the conflict zone, they have good reason to hope the worst of their troubles are behind them. They could not be more wrong…


Inseparable is book six in Roshan’s Shards of Sevia series, and I have not read the first five, so I can’t speak to Continue reading “Book Review: Inseparable by E.B. Roshan”