Tag: Update

Summer 2021 Wrap-Up

Summer 2021 Wrap-Up

It’s been a long summer, and yet at the same time it’s crazy to think that the summer is nearly over. In some ways, the summer is over for me. My summer was defined by working at camp, and I’ve now been home for one week and done with camp for two. In other ways, I still have summer for a few more weeks, since I’m not going to school this fall and therefore Continue reading “Summer 2021 Wrap-Up”

2019 Wrap-Up and 2020 Goals

2019 Wrap-Up and 2020 Goals

The new year is almost upon us, and time has my brain screwed up in knots. On the one hand… it’s been a whole year already? On the other hand, wasn’t July a full year ago? And how did November and December pass in a week? Time is just weird, and the way my brain handles time is even weirder. But according to the calendar, it’s almost the start of a new year and a new decade, which means it’s time for reflection, new goals, and fresh starts. So, let’s reflect, shall we? Continue reading “2019 Wrap-Up and 2020 Goals”