Character Interview: Sarabrina Elfbourne

Sarabrina is the second-oldest of the Elfbournes, and she’s a total bookworm. She’s also super caring, cautious, and rational, and often lives in her head. Enjoy her interview. :)
Sarabrina: *comes in and shakes the interviewer’s hand before taking a seat* Hello.
Interviewer: Hello. *smiles* How are you?
Sarabrina: Doing well. How are you? *smooths out her skirt*
Interviewer: I’m good. Are you ready to get started?
Sarabrina: *nods*
Interviewer: What’s your name?
Sarabrina: Sarabrina Glen Elfbourne. Alary.
Interviewer: How old are you?
Sarabrina: Fifteen.
Interviewer: And you have five siblings?
Sarabrina: *nods* Including my foster brother, Arthur.
Interviewer: What’s your relationship like with each of them?
Sarabrina: *takes a deep breath and blows it out* Well, I’m decently close with most of them. Leafman’s pretty stand-offish so we don’t talk as much, but we do talk about Harry Potter sometimes. Arthur and I hang out the most often, I think; we tend to study together, and we’re often on the same wavelength so we come to each other to talk about stuff. Elk and I are pretty close; we tease each other a lot and I go to him either first or second to talk about stuff, depending on what it is. Saria is great; she’s super optimistic and fun, and I really enjoy hanging out with her. And then there’s Twilight. I don’t know her very well yet, but so far we’ve gotten along really well. We both like reading and astronomy and she’s really nice.
Interviewer: It’s great that you’re so close with your siblings. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Sarabrina: Introvert. Makes it hard to have so many siblings sometimes *chuckles*, but it’s fun.
Interviewer: What is your favorite food?
Sarabrina: Rye’s waffles are delicious.
Interviewer: Who’s Rye?
Sarabrina: Oh, my foster mom. Sorry.
Interviewer: It’s all right. *smiles* Do you have a favorite color?
Sarabrina: Midnight blue.
Interviewer: Do you prefer movies or books?
Sarabrina: Books! All the way.
Interviewer: What’s your favorite book?
Sarabrina: Oh no… Um… I really like The Phantom Tollbooth, Harry Potter, most of the classics… I don’t know. *laughs* I love so many.
Interviewer: *smiles* What’s your favorite animal?
Sarabrina: I like birds.
Interviewer: What are some of your hobbies?
Sarabrina: Reading, studying–both for school and on my own, stargazing, bird-watching, singing, playing piano, playing chess… That’s just off the top of my head. *chuckles*
Interviewer: What’s your favorite constellation?
Sarabrina: Ooh… Probably Centaurus. I just think that one’s cool.
Interviewer: Which of these is most important to you: kindness, intelligence, or bravery?
Sarabrina: Kindness.
Interviewer: And honesty or selflessness?
Sarabrina: Honesty.
Interviewer: Is there anything you can’t leave home without?
Sarabrina: My purse.
Interviewer: That was the last question. Thank you for your time. *smiles*
Sarabrina: Absolutely! Thank you. *gets up and shakes the interviewer’s hand before leaving*