Tag: Speculative Fiction

Fantasy News & Communication

Fantasy News & Communication

Hello and welcome back to Scribes & Archers. The weather for today is looking rather crisp, with a chance of flying newspapers. But let’s head over to Worldbuilding with recent news updates. Worldbuilding?

Okay, not the best intro, but today we’re talking about how communication, and especially the news, works in your world. The title says fantasy, but this can apply to any fictional world. And I’m a little brain-dead today, so please bear with me.

What’s in the News?

Let’s start with content. What is considered newsworthy in your world? Continue reading “Fantasy News & Communication”

How to Write Fashion – Guest Post by Victoria Smith

How to Write Fashion – Guest Post by Victoria Smith

Last week I talked about how to develop purposeful fantasy fashions. This week Victoria Smith is going to take over and talk about some of the more practical elements of using the fashion you’ve developed. Enjoy!

Worldbuilding is hard. Being a fantasy writer—a novice one, mind you—I should know. While I’d like to think I have a natural talent for certain aspects of writing, I am by no means an expert. Still, I will offer my personal opinions, tricks and tips to help you with the tangible parts of worldbuilding. One for today: fashion or clothing. 

Before really diving into fashion in worldbuilding, there are four questions Continue reading “How to Write Fashion – Guest Post by Victoria Smith”

Fantasy School… or Not – Worldbuilding Education

Fantasy School… or Not – Worldbuilding Education

Education is an often overlooked aspect of worldbuilding, even though education defines our individual worldviews and skill sets and also supports society as a whole. After all, people can’t occupy trades or other societal roles if they don’t know how. Today I want to explore how to develop the educational systems of your world… and why “fantasy school” isn’t always the answer. Continue reading “Fantasy School… or Not – Worldbuilding Education”

Worldbuilding Process: Three Examples

Worldbuilding Process: Three Examples

I’ve said this before, but there are many ways to approach creating a fantasy world (or sci-fi world). Should you work outside-in or inside-out? Should you use vignettes? Beyond the basics, what is the best order to take things in? Those are questions that are going to be unique to each writer (and potentially each world), so I can’t give you a concrete answer, but in this post I’ll show you a few of the processes I use for my own worlds. Continue reading “Worldbuilding Process: Three Examples”

The Benefits of Vignette Worldbuilding

The Benefits of Vignette Worldbuilding

There are many methods you can use to build a world. I mean, many. Everyone is going to have a different way they go about worldbuilding, and I personally tend to use a broad variety of methods. One method I’ve found a lot of fun while working on Deseran (my huge “desert fantasy” world, which I finally get to share a piece of with Caithan) is what I call “vignette worldbuilding.” The way it works, I select a piece of the world that I’ve been developing recently, or I latch onto a cool new concept that doesn’t have an official place yet, and I write a piece of short prose around it. Caithan, for instance, was an exploration of the mix of cultures in Teraco, an empire that’s something of a cultural melting-pot. I’ve also written short pieces to further develop races, or to show how certain groups are treated in differing countries, or to showcase the unique traits of the wildlife of the world. There’s really no limit to what you can explore with vignette worldbuilding. But what are its unique benefits? Continue reading “The Benefits of Vignette Worldbuilding”