Tag: The Dark War Trilogy

Character Interview: Wren & June Lorne

I’m doing something a little bit different with this post and interview two characters together, because their characters lend themselves well to that and I think it’ll be fun. Wren and Juniper (June) are twins, expert swordplayers, and pretty much polar opposites when it comes to personality. They’re rarely seen apart, mostly because June is overprotective. I hope you enjoy their interview. :) Continue reading “Character Interview: Wren & June Lorne”

The Language of Worlds Link-Up #2

The Language of Worlds Link-Up #2

Guess what? There’s a new Language of Worlds link-up and it’s replacing Snippet Sunday again because I was hosting a LotR marathon all day yesterday and didn’t have time to write a snippet. (I totally didn’t write this post at 6:45 yesterday morning. Excuse any places I sound tired.) (Also, you can read the first one here.) So instead you get to hear more about Detren, because I always talk about Nissa and I feel like Detren needs a turn. So without further ado, the link-up. (If you click on the image below you’ll be taken to Liv Fisher’s site, where you can join the link-up if you’d like.) Continue reading “The Language of Worlds Link-Up #2”

Character Interview: Griffyn Yarrow

Character Interview: Griffyn Yarrow

Griffyn is a character from The Shadow Raven, a member of the royal council due to his position as captain of the army’s archers. That’s pretty much all I know about him at this point (unfortunately), but here goes his interview.

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Character Interview: Wisterin Larn

Character Interview: Wisterin Larn

Wisterin is a character from The King’s Paladin, and she grew up with Coraline and Toril (she’s also featured in The Paladins, so if you decide she’s interesting you should consider checking that out in my Short Story Collection Vol. 1). She’s a spy, and you probably don’t want to get on the wrong side of her because she could kill you while you sleep, though her flirtatious exterior might indicate otherwise. Enjoy her interview. :)

Continue reading “Character Interview: Wisterin Larn”

Character Interview: Toril Valda

Character Interview: Toril Valda

Toril is a character from The King’s Paladin, serving as a love interest to Ismena and something of an antagonist to Coraline. He’s a Mandorian ambassador, and he has enhanced charisma and influence due to training as a Paladin. (If you’d like to read more about him, he’s one of the POV characters in The Paladins from my short story collection.) Enjoy his interview. :) Continue reading “Character Interview: Toril Valda”