Tag: Excerpt

Snippet Sunday: Storybook Love

Snippet Sunday: Storybook Love

This story is just a for-fun story I started a while back to experiment with the romance genre and have an excuse to write what’s basically Maze Runner fanfiction. (Yes, I hated those books. That doesn’t mean I hated all the characters, and tossing in extra characters means I can partially rewrite the plot.) I actually didn’t intend to ever share this with anyone beyond my best friend, but it was on the list of stories I’ve started and it’s what the random number generator landed on, so here’s your snippet. Enjoy. :)

A legal note in case it’s necessary: The Maze Runner and all characters therein belong to James Dashner.

Continue reading “Snippet Sunday: Storybook Love”

Snippet Sunday: The Elementals

Snippet Sunday: The Elementals

This excerpt is a continuation of the last one I posted from this story, so if you haven’t read it yet you’ll want to do that first and come back.

Done? Awesome. Enjoy!

It was several more minutes before a bell rang out, nearly deafening, and students began to pour in. Soon I was squished amidst all the people.

Caelum rose once the movement had ceased and all muttering quieted as he raised his hand. “Dear students, old and new, welcome. We’re gathered here for the initiation of another wave of elementals.” Students cheered throughout the auditorium. “New students, I will call your name one by one. When I call on you, please come up and stand in front of my desk. Aira Lannister.” Continue reading “Snippet Sunday: The Elementals”

Snippet Sunday: Apple of My Eye and Underground

Snippet Sunday: Apple of My Eye and Underground

Apple of My Eye is the fourth story in The Mirror-Hunter Chronicles, which began with Bag of Beans. It’s kind of tricky to pull an excerpt from a short story when pretty much anything could be spoilers, but here’s a bit of description that I’m really happy with, and it reminded me of a bit of description from another short story that I wanted to share as well. Enjoy. :)

I’d been searching for the mirror for a week between its being stolen and our present story, tracking clues as far from Ambrel as Grell. As I stepped into the city, much different from any I’d seen before, I wondered briefly Continue reading “Snippet Sunday: Apple of My Eye and Underground”

The 7777 Writing Tag

The 7777 Writing Tag

So today’s post is weird because I ended up spazzing and scheduling Alleyn Everlind’s interview today, except… I’ve already interviewed him. And since it’s already Wednesday and I didn’t feel like coming up with a different character to interview, I’m stealing the 7777 tag (with permission!) from Alexa over at Summer Snowflakes.

Ze Rules:

  1. Open WIP to the seventh page
  2. Scroll past the seventh line
  3. Copy the next seven paragraphs…. and paste them on your blog for THE WORLD to read
  4. Tag seven people!

Continue reading “The 7777 Writing Tag”

Snippet Sunday: Mournseeker

Snippet Sunday: Mournseeker

Some of y’all might remember the excerpt from this that I posted back in April for M of the Alphabet Challenge. Well, here’s the beginning of that story, in which you’re officially introduced to the main characters and the setting and what’s going on. Enjoy. :)

Genevieve was startled by a sudden knock on her door. She closed her book and set it on a side table before rising and opening the front door to see a familiar face.

“Gen, I need your help.” Continue reading “Snippet Sunday: Mournseeker”