Tag: Publishing

How to Choose a Good Editor

How to Choose a Good Editor

If you’re an indie author, in particular, you likely know that a professional editor is part of the investment. But it can be hard to know which editor to choose. How do you know who is going to be a high-quality editor, and how do you know they’ll be the right fit for your book? This post will address both the traits of a good editor, as well as how to assess whether or not an editor has these qualities and whether or not s/he is a good fit for you specifically.

Traits of a good editor


Especially if you’re working with a particular schedule for a given project–whether you’ve announced a release date, plan to submit a project somewhere by a certain date, etc.–it is important to have an editor who can and will get your project scheduled and edited in a timely manner. Many editors will have an average turnaround time posted Continue reading “How to Choose a Good Editor”

Author Career Investments You Should Be Making

Author Career Investments You Should Be Making

I know some of you reading this aren’t looking to build a whole author career; writing is a hobby for you, or something you want to dabble in from time to time but not something you want to invest significant portions of your life into. That’s totally fine, and I do think that this post–this series, in fact, because I had too many points for a single post–will still be of value to you in helping you be as professional as possible with the projects you do release.

But if you’re one of many whose goal is to make a career out of writing (and/or writing-related endeavors), this series is for you. Creating a sustainable author career requires investment of many different kinds in many different areas, and this series will dive into what some of those areas are and how to invest well for the career that you want to build.

Today’s post is about some of the most foundational Continue reading “Author Career Investments You Should Be Making”

Calligraphy Guild Blog Tour Schedule

Calligraphy Guild Blog Tour Schedule

I can’t believe we’ve already reached blog tour season for Calligraphy Guild, and yet at the same time it feels like it’s been a long time coming. Regardless, I’m super excited to announce the stops for the Calligraphy Guild blog tour! I’m so grateful to all of these authors/bloggers for participating, and I hope you’ll enjoy their posts and consider following their blogs! (I’ll add direct posts to specific posts as they go live.) Continue reading “Calligraphy Guild Blog Tour Schedule”

Why I Chose Traditional Publishing – Guest Post by Rachel Leitch

Why I Chose Traditional Publishing – Guest Post by Rachel Leitch

Hey everyone! I know this week’s post is going up on an odd day, but that’s because today I have the pleasure of hosting a guest post by Rachel Leitch! She’s already written a solid intro, so I’ll go ahead and turn it over to her without further ado.

Hello, adventurers! Today, I’m swapping posts with R. M. Archer. If you’ve followed her for a while, you know that she’s interested in independent “indie” publishing, which is truly a fascinating world. Luckily for you, she’s written a lovely guest post about why she chose indie publishing that you can catch over on my blog: https://racheljleitch.weebly.com.

If you’ve followed me for a while, you know that I’m interested in traditional publishing. That’s what I’m here Continue reading “Why I Chose Traditional Publishing – Guest Post by Rachel Leitch”

5 Steps to Requesting a Book Review

5 Steps to Requesting a Book Review

Today we’re going to be discussing something that I’ve seen a fair amount as a fairly experienced writer/blogger: requesting book reviews. So we’re talking about when you have a book and you’re reaching out to bloggers, asking if they’ll review it for you. I’ve been on both sides of this exchange, and there are some steps I’ve seen missed (or missed myself) that I’ve found are a key part of the review requesting process. So today I’m going to walk you through Continue reading “5 Steps to Requesting a Book Review”