Tag: The King’s Paladin

The Shared WIP Tag – Week 2: Protagonist Questions

The Shared WIP Tag – Week 2: Protagonist Questions

It’s time for the second week’s Shared WIP Tag questions, and they’re all about the protagonist. (I’m super excited to read everyone else’s answers. ^-^) Most of y’all know Coraline from Preptober Prompts, but if you don’t… you’re about to learn about her. On to the questions!

Introduce your MC a little (name, maybe a description or picture, etc,) and tell us something quirky about them.

From Pinterest

Coraline Seralen is a compassionate Paladin who has a passion for helping people and Continue reading “The Shared WIP Tag – Week 2: Protagonist Questions”

The Shared WIP Tag – Week 1: General Questions

The Shared WIP Tag – Week 1: General Questions

So y’all, I totally intended to finish Preptober Prompts, but I just could not get all of the flash fictions done in time. Still, if you participated in Preptober Prompts I’d love to hear what you thought of it! Is it worth bringing back next year?

This month I’ll be participating in Julian Daventry’s Shared WIP Tag, which is all about NaNoWriMo projects. Each Friday I’ll get to answer a bunch of questions about my NaNoWriMo project, and I’ll link to the other participants’ posts at the end. :) Continue reading “The Shared WIP Tag – Week 1: General Questions”

Preptober Prompts Day 2 – 2018

Preptober Prompts Day 2 – 2018

In case you missed the Preptober Prompts intro and yesterday’s prompt.

What is your main character’s favorite fall activity?

Coraline loves apple-picking. She loves apples, as mentioned in the previous prompt, and she enjoys being outdoors and hanging out with people she cares about (or hanging out by herself). She finds the crisp air refreshing, and the company more so.

Preptober Prompts Day 1 – 2018

Preptober Prompts Day 1 – 2018

Preptober Prompts is finally here! Before we start there are a few things I want to go over to make sure things go smoothly, but I’ll only go over these once so you’re not reading them every day, lol.

  • It’s totally okay to use Preptober Prompts all on your own. I know I’ll be emphasizing the social aspect of things, but if you don’t want to share, that’s fine. One of my goals with this is for writers to connect with and support one another, but the main goal is to get your creative juices flowing and get you prepped for NaNo, so if sharing isn’t your thing that’s totally fine.
  • If you share Preptober Prompts on your own blog or social media, please link back to the original post and add the link to your post at the bottom of this post.
  • If you’re using Twitter, you can tag me (@RysaArcher) instead of linking back, and don’t forget to use #PreptoberPrompts.
  • Subscribe to the other hosting blogs (Of Rainy Days and Stardust Veins, Ozark Mountain Cailins, and Wildflowers and Cosmic Tea) so you’ll be immediately notified when the prompts go up for weeks 2-4!
  • You can find all of the prompt images here.

Character Introduction

This week’s category is characters, so take a minute today to briefly introduce your character before diving into the prompt. Coraline Seralen is the king’s Paladin, which means she’s extremely powerful and carries an enormous responsibility to protect her king and country. It’s a burden she doesn’t really want. She’d rather be a healer, helping and protecting people through medicine, since it’s more physical and manageable. Continue reading “Preptober Prompts Day 1 – 2018”

Character Interview: Wisterin Larn

Character Interview: Wisterin Larn

Wisterin is a character from The King’s Paladin, and she grew up with Coraline and Toril (she’s also featured in The Paladins, so if you decide she’s interesting you should consider checking that out in my Short Story Collection Vol. 1). She’s a spy, and you probably don’t want to get on the wrong side of her because she could kill you while you sleep, though her flirtatious exterior might indicate otherwise. Enjoy her interview. :)

Continue reading “Character Interview: Wisterin Larn”