Tag: Novel

How To Write Likeable Characters

How To Write Likeable Characters

I’ve decided that the key to writing likeable characters is to make them complex and layered. Characters are what I – and I think most readers – connect to and come to love most in a book, so it’s important to write them well.

I will like pretty much any type of character – creepy psychopaths, classic villains, flirts, princesses, peasants, assassins, blacksmiths, con men – so long as they haven’t done anything utterly unforgivable… And so long as they’re deep and layered. Unless it’s a spoiled brat of a princess, in which case Continue reading “How To Write Likeable Characters”

Weekly Writing Update – September 17-23, 2017

Weekly Writing Update – September 17-23, 2017

So, I’m going to start something new: A writing update every Saturday. Since this is the first one I’m pretty much playing it by ear, so we’ll see what this includes. :)

Sunday, September 17th – Word Count: 6,189

I wrote two blog posts that day, neither of which has gone up yet, and that was the day I renamed Alpine Writer to Scribes & Archers. Fun fact: The short story I planned to have go up on Sunday is not actually the one that went up. I wasn’t happy with the way the planned one was going, so I wrote Continue reading “Weekly Writing Update – September 17-23, 2017”

Character Interview: Pellan Shyle

Character Interview: Pellan Shyle

Pellan is from the first book of the Dark War Trilogy, The Last Assassin, and he likes to cause me issues in writing. But he’s still a really interesting character, and I find him to have one of the two coolest outlooks on life I’ve written. Enjoy. :) Continue reading “Character Interview: Pellan Shyle”

If I Had a Fandom…

If I Had a Fandom…

When I asked a friend of mine what I should write about on my blog, she suggested talking about what my response would be to a big fandom. This isn’t something I’m super interested in having, just a few dedicated fans would be fine, but it’s fun to think about and I think it’ll be fun to write about, too, so here goes. :)

The biggest thing that comes to mind with a big fandom, to me, is fanart. I love fanart. I love seeing it on Pinterest and stuff. And for that fanart to be focused on my books and characters, bringing to life visually things that I can’t because I don’t draw well? That would just be fabulous. I would Continue reading “If I Had a Fandom…”