Tag: Publishing

Indie Publishing 101: Non-Negotiables (and what you can get away without)

Indie Publishing 101: Non-Negotiables (and what you can get away without)

Last week I wrote about the (extensive) ideal process of indie publishing a book. However, sometimes the ideal isn’t plausible, your goals aren’t for a long-term career, you just want a foot in the door, etc. There’s a long list of reasons you could get away with only adhering to some parts of that list. So this week I’ll be discussing which items on the list are non-negotiable and which can be waived. I’m pulling all of these steps directly from my previous post, so check that out for explanations of what I consider each step to entail. Continue reading “Indie Publishing 101: Non-Negotiables (and what you can get away without)”

Indie Publishing 101: What Does It Really Take?

Indie Publishing 101: What Does It Really Take?

Last week I talked about the pros and cons of self-publishing versus traditional publishing, and this week I want to talk about the steps to publish a book if you go indie. From first draft to marketing after you’ve published, indie publishing (and traditional publishing) takes a lot of time and effort, and I want to shine a light on some of the concrete steps to publish a book if you go the route of indie publishing. Continue reading “Indie Publishing 101: What Does It Really Take?”

Indie Publishing 101: Traditional vs. Independent Publishing

Indie Publishing 101: Traditional vs. Independent Publishing

I said I was taking a blogging hiatus… but then I was talking in one of my writing groups about publishing and the pros and cons of traditional and independent publishing, and I realized I could write a whole blog series on publishing. And since a lot of people are going to be working on finishing first drafts this month, it seemed like a decent time. (Not that I’m saying people should publish their first drafts. Definitely edit your work. But the conclusion of a first draft is a good time to start thinking about your long-term plans for it.) Now, most of the posts in this series are going to be about indie/self-publishing, because that’s what I have the most experience with, but this post is all about Continue reading “Indie Publishing 101: Traditional vs. Independent Publishing”

The Mirror-Hunter Chronicles Blog Tour!

The Mirror-Hunter Chronicles Blog Tour!

Today marks the beginning of the blog tour for The Mirror-Hunter Chronicles! I’m super excited to share with you the book reviews, character interviews, and author interviews that are in store! I’ll be sharing the posts on social media the day they’re posted, but if you don’t have social media or just don’t want to follow me, you can come back here and check out the post for each day.

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J: Jumping the Gun

J: Jumping the Gun

When you first finish a first draft, it can be easy to think it’s the best thing in the world. You can’t wait to share it with everyone you know and you immediately set about to editing, announcing to everyone that you’re going to publish this thing and maybe start amassing funds for an editor…

And then you look at the book several months later and you just ask your younger self why you ever thought this was good. And after you’ve bought a gorgeous cover and already hired an editor (not the kind of editor you needed, on top of everything else), you decide this is in absolutely no shape Continue reading “J: Jumping the Gun”