Tag: About Me

The Liebster Blog Award

The Liebster Blog Award

Thank you to Grace and Katherine of The Maidens of Green Gables for the tag! I’ve actually done the Liebster Award before, but it’ll be fun to do it again. :)

What is the Leibster Blog Award?

In short, it’s an award for small blogs that’s passed between bloggers to explore growing blogs. Those who accept the nomination answer a list of questions given to them by whoever nominated them, write a bit about their favorite blogger, nominate 5-11 other blogs that have fewer than 200 followers (mine might not all fit that criteria because I can’t see the follower count of some of them), and provide 10-11 random facts about themselves. The official rules can be found here. Continue reading “The Liebster Blog Award”

1 Year Blogiversary

1 Year Blogiversary

Scribes & Archers has been around for a year! Technically longer (four years), but I consider it having really started on August 2nd when I started being really serious about it. Anyway, as such, there’s some fun stuff for this post! I asked y’all what I should do for my blogiversary post, and from the very beginning it was super close between the Get To Know Me Tag (Writers’ Edition) and an overview of my writing/blogging milestones, tied almost the entire time, so I decided to combine the two since the Get To Know Me Tag includes a lot of milestone things already. So this is the Get To Know Me Tag, but with a twist. And since I didn’t want to neglect those folks who’d asked questions, there’ll also be a short Q&A session at the end. Without further ado, the tag. (This is going to be a really, really long post.) Continue reading “1 Year Blogiversary”

An Interview With Me

An Interview With Me

I got my sister, who goes by the screen name Siberia, to interview me today about my writing. I’ve interviewed myself before, but this one is more cohesive and more organic, I think, because she and I were able to play off of each other like I couldn’t with myself, lol. I hope you enjoy reading it. :) Continue reading “An Interview With Me”

Why I Write

Why I Write

I write for my readers. I write to make them feel. I write to make them connect with my characters to the same extent that I have, to make them care about fictional people as much as other authors have made me connect with their fictional people. When I get to see those reactions – their laughter or screaming or crying – it tells me that I’ve done a good job and I’ve done what I intended to do.

That’s why I adore my little mini fandom so much. Three friends of mine are reading The Last Assassin as I write it, and it’s amazing Continue reading “Why I Write”

The Leibster Blog Award

The Leibster Blog Award

I was just nominated for the Leibster Award by Kaylan over at No Two Paths. Her blog name was inspired by Robert Frost’s poem “The Road Not Taken,” and specifically these lines:

“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.”

That’s really cool.

Thanks for the nomination, Kaylan!

What is the Leibster Blog Award?

In short, Continue reading “The Leibster Blog Award”